Roman Citizenship: Rights: incl. immunity from summary punishment, ability to vote, right to participate in politics Obligations: incl. paying taxes In Augustan period limited to Italy, Cisalpine Gaul, colonists
Roman Citizenship: Gained by: Being born of citizens Freed slave Reward for service Sometimes awarded without vote
Classes (Orders) of Citizens: Patricians (patricii) Knights (equites) Plebeians (plebs)
Patricians Old nobility Major land-holding class Source of most senators
Knights Origins in cavalry of Early Republic Wealthy non-patricians engaged in business ventures Source of some politicians
Plebeians The common people, both urban and rural citizens Still enjoying rights of citizens, even if votes of questionable value in Imperial Period
Prisoners of war From slave-traders Criminals Debtors Slaves
Slave gangs: agriculture, mining, etc. Household slaves: e.g. Greek tutors, maids cooks, cleaners, etc. Lots of slaves in Roman world Treatment as property
73-71 BC Slave revolt led by Spartacus Capua Vesuvius Crassus (d. 53 BC) Appian Way Slaves
Improvements in treatment of slaves: Allowed to keep earnings, buy freedom Allowed to marry, have children Being freed Regulation of treatment of slaves by Augustus
Daily routine: Dawn: Men: get up, dress (if needed), wash (barely), breakfast, shoes, out Women: get up, wash (barely), put on dress, hair, make-up, jewelry, stola, shoes, out
Rural work: farmingcoloni Urban work: merchants and craftspersons
Texiles: Patavium, Tarentum, Cos and Alexandria Glasswares: Aquileia and Campania Pottery: Arretium Metalwares: Aquileia, Puteoli, Tarentum and Capua Importation of marble from Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt and Numidia
Daily routine: Midday: End of working day Light lunch Entertainments!
Daily routine: Late Afternoon: (Long) dinner, then bed