Ch 14 Sec 1 The Nations Sick Economy Rising Wealth A Booming Stock Market A False Sense of faith in the economy
Essential Questions Why did the economy appear healthy? Why did the economy appear healthy? What danger signs were present in the economy of the late 1920’s? What danger signs were present in the economy of the late 1920’s?
“Wonderful Prosperity” In 1925 the value of the stock market was $27 billion, by Oct.1929 it was $87 billion. In 1925 the value of the stock market was $27 billion, by Oct.1929 it was $87 billion. Since 1914 workers’ wages rose 40%. Since 1914 workers’ wages rose 40%. Unemployment averaged below 4%. Unemployment averaged below 4%. John J.Raskob “Everybody Ought to be Rich.” $15 per wk, 20yrs.=$400mo John J.Raskob “Everybody Ought to be Rich.” $15 per wk, 20yrs.=$400mo
Welfare Capitalism Big companies launched strategies to meet workers demands. They could avoid union intervention, strikes, and keep productivity high. strikes, and keep productivity high. Employers raised wages, and gave paid vacations, health plans, recreation programs, and even English classes for recent immigrants. Organized labor lost members in the 1920’s.
Economic Danger Signs Uneven distribution of wealth. Uneven distribution of wealth. 200 large companies controlled 49% of industry. 0.1% controlled 34% of all savings, with incomes over $100, % earned less than $2,500 a year. 80% of families had no savings.
Personal Debt Installment Buying, buying expensive items on credit. Installment Buying, buying expensive items on credit. Radios, Vacuum Cleaners, Kitchen Appliances, Refrigerators, Cars, Tractors and farm equipment. Radios, Vacuum Cleaners, Kitchen Appliances, Refrigerators, Cars, Tractors and farm equipment. People believed future income would cover debt. People believed future income would cover debt.
Playing The Stock Market Americans in the 1920’s had a “Get Rich Quick” attitude. Americans in the 1920’s had a “Get Rich Quick” attitude.
Playing the Market Part II Stock Speculation – High stock prices encouraged Americans to make high- risk investments in hopes of high return. Stock Speculation – High stock prices encouraged Americans to make high- risk investments in hopes of high return. Ordinary Americans now bought stock. Ordinary Americans now bought stock. Buying on Margin- Investors could purchase stock for only a fraction of its price. (10 to 50%) and borrow the rest. Buying on Margin- Investors could purchase stock for only a fraction of its price. (10 to 50%) and borrow the rest. Brokers lent $, and as stocks rose $ could be made and brokers paid off. Brokers lent $, and as stocks rose $ could be made and brokers paid off.
Overproduction of Goods, Too Little Demand By the late 1920’s warehouses were overstocked. By the late 1920’s warehouses were overstocked. There were more good than consumers could buy. There were more good than consumers could buy. Auto industry slumped after Auto industry slumped after Housing Construction fell by 25% between 1928 and Housing Construction fell by 25% between 1928 and 1929.
Trouble For Farmers and Workers About 6,000 About 6,000 Rural Banks failed. Farmers could not pay off machinery and mortgages.
No Help for Farmers and Workers Mc-Nary- Haugen farm relief bill would have given farmers more $ for crops. It was vetoed twice by Pres. Coolidge. Mc-Nary- Haugen farm relief bill would have given farmers more $ for crops. It was vetoed twice by Pres. Coolidge. No Price Supports! No Price Supports! Factory workers, miners and textile workers still worked long hours for little pay especially in rural areas. Factory workers, miners and textile workers still worked long hours for little pay especially in rural areas.
What signaled trouble in 1929? Uneven Distribution of Wealth Uneven Distribution of Wealth Rising Personal Debt Rising Personal Debt Stock Speculation Stock Speculation Overproduction of goods Overproduction of goods Hardships of Farmers and Workers Hardships of Farmers and Workers Laissez-Faire Gov. Econ. Policy Laissez-Faire Gov. Econ. Policy