Venus Presented by: Ryan Larson Taylor Brown
Venus’ Size And Distance Venus is 7,520 miles in diameter Venus is 7,520 miles in diameter It is approximately 400 miles smaller than Earth It is approximately 400 miles smaller than Earth Venus is 25.7 million miles away from us but 67.2 miles from the Sun. Venus is 25.7 million miles away from us but 67.2 miles from the Sun.
Atmosphere Venus’ atmosphere consists mostly of thick clouds of sulfuric acid. Venus’ atmosphere consists mostly of thick clouds of sulfuric acid. The atmosphere has very fast winds that reach up to 350 kph. The atmosphere has very fast winds that reach up to 350 kph. The sulfuric acid gives the planet it’s color. The sulfuric acid gives the planet it’s color. The clouds obscure the surface making it impossible right now to see it. The clouds obscure the surface making it impossible right now to see it.
Venus’ Name It is named after the goddess of love and beauty It is named after the goddess of love and beauty It is named this because it is the brightest planet known to the ancients It is named this because it is the brightest planet known to the ancients The terrain features are named for female figures The terrain features are named for female figures
Missions to Venus First spacecraft was Mariner 2 First spacecraft was Mariner 2 Venera 7 was the most successful and gave us pictures of the surface. Venera 7 was the most successful and gave us pictures of the surface. There have been more than 20 other missions so far. There have been more than 20 other missions so far.
Age Venus is suspected to be over 500 million years old Venus is suspected to be over 500 million years old Some sites suggest that Venus could be 800 million years old. Some sites suggest that Venus could be 800 million years old. This is based off of crater evidence and the dating of these craters. This is based off of crater evidence and the dating of these craters.
Terrain Venus contains large crater holes from meteoroids. Venus contains large crater holes from meteoroids. All craters are relatively large because all smaller meteoroids burn up coming through the atmosphere. All craters are relatively large because all smaller meteoroids burn up coming through the atmosphere. Most of the crust seems to have been made from lava cooling just like Earth. Most of the crust seems to have been made from lava cooling just like Earth.
Volcanoes Volcanoes The surface of Venus features pancake volcanoes. The surface of Venus features pancake volcanoes. These erupt thick lava and coronae. These erupt thick lava and coronae. Coronae is a collapsed dome over large magma chambers. Coronae is a collapsed dome over large magma chambers.
Revolution and Rotation The Revolution around the sun is 243 Earth days The Revolution around the sun is 243 Earth days The rotation is 23 hours and 21 minutes The rotation is 23 hours and 21 minutes
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Venus Chart for Clear Skies y.html y.html y.html y.html
Venus Pictures Surface of Venus
References Arnett, Bill “Venus” Arnett, Bill “Venus” July 17, July 17, World Book Encyclopedia 2003 World Book Encyclopedia 2003 Siam, Benzoe “Venus” Siam, Benzoe “Venus” Date Unknown Date Unknown