During heavy down pours rain water overruns the water system causing pollution in Onondaga Lake. Scott Wright Roxboro Road Middle School
PPA Process We will be using the Public Problem Solving Policy Analysis to help us solve issue What is the problem? Where is the evidence? What are the causes to the problem? What is the existing policy? What policies or steps can you create to correct the problem? What is the best (most effective and most doable) policy or step you can use to correct the problem?
Reasons why creating methods and actions to reduce the amount of rain water that runs into Onondaga Lake is important. 1. Define the problem What are some of the reasons you feel this is a problem for our community’s Onondaga Lake ecosystem?
2. Evidence of the problem What evidence of this problem have you seen?
3. Causes of the problem Too much development Undersized water run-off pipes Limited capacity of current sewage treatment plant Outdated water system designs Home and business waste During heavy down pours rain water overruns the water system causing pollution in Onondaga Lake.
4. Evaluate Current Policy Each person, household, business and organization should …
5. Develop Solutions Working with your assigned “Pod” group of three, design a method/step you could implement at school to reduce the schools’ contribution to water run-off into Onondaga Lake. Submit your proposal for initial approval to Mr. Wright of Mr. Weaver Submit your proposal for final approval to the student council and the building administrators. Be ready to share with the class when time is called
6. Select the Best Solution Using the PPA recording sheet you filled in during your problem solving, decide which are your top three solutions Write your reasons in the box next to the solution.