Giotto signaled a change that was about to shake art history for all time. The 14th century was the labor pain prior to the birth of a new and wondrous offspring named the Renaissance. 12th-13th Paris was the midwife to the Gothic 14th Siena 15th Florence was the midwife to the Renaissance. Florence was democratic and a banking center. It was the Wall Street of banking for Europe. (Banco = table for exchanging money)
Renaissance vs. Gothic-- The Renaissance viewed itself as cultured and the Gothic as barbaric. (Renaissance had it all but lacked humility.)
Humanism and the Renaissance Middle Ages wanted to move from “vale of tears” to the world beyond. This parallels much of Eastern thought—Buddhism and Hinduism. Humanism is this worldly—being all that we can be? Sounds a lot like the Greeks. Humanism got new ideas from the Crusades of old and Byzantine refugees from Constantinople due to the Ottomans conquest in 1453 Individualism influenced entire culture from art to economics. Tech revolution
Italy’s city-state system paralleled that of the Greeks: the Duchy of Milan Republic of Venice Republic of Florence Kingdom of Naples Papal States plus lesser states of Savoy, Urbino, Modena, Genoa, etc.
If you truly wish to understand the feeling of the Renaissance, this movie is necessary.
Gentile’s Adoration of the Magi
Gentile (International style or Late Gothic) Filled up all available space Bright colors and halos Golden frame Proportion not important Masaccio Space is present Proportion in the buildings and people Greco-Roman style Pyramid S-shaped curve
Masaccio’s Holy Trinity ca. 1426
Masaccio’s Tribute Money
Masaccio’s Expulsion of Adam and Eve
Fra Angelico’s Annunciation
Botticelli’s Birth of Venus
Botticelli’s Birth of Mars
Botticelli’s Primavera
Renaissance art Space is present Proportion in the buildings and people Greco-Roman style Pyramid S-shaped curve Chiaroscuro
Donatello’s David ca. 1430
Ghiberti and Brunelleschi’s competition in 1401 was the Super Bowl of Art. They worked on the baptistery doors of the Romanesque cathedral of Florence. East doors contained 10 panels—Michelangelo called them the Gates of Paradise
Ghiberti’s Creation of Adam
Ghiberti’s Cain Killing Abel
Ghiberti’s Sacrifice of Isaac
Brunelleschi’s Sacrifice of Isaac
Ghiberti’s East Doors Gates of Paradise
Brunelleschi’s Dome
A Moment of Renaissance Zen Brunelleschi’s strength lay in his understanding of the past. It hurt him with the doors, but it worked for him with the dome. He mixed the Gothic and the classical Roman vaulting. My grandmother always said when teaching me to play bridge, “Allen, you always lead from your longest and strongest suit.”
Della Robbia
Ghirlandaio’s Adoration
Ghirlandaio’s A Man with His Grandchild
Unicorn Tapestry