The Island Chica Laca. Factors Contributing to Climate The Location is In the Gulf of Mexico and is quite close to Cuba Warm Ocean Currents circle around.


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Presentation transcript:

The Island Chica Laca

Factors Contributing to Climate The Location is In the Gulf of Mexico and is quite close to Cuba Warm Ocean Currents circle around the island all throughout the year and Unique Physical Features Wind patterns

Location 23N, 90W Source:

Climate Paragraph Identify island and relative location Describe climate (general weather) of island: (What is climate of coastline and what is climate inland?) Describe physical geography (mountains, volcanoes, etc.). Explain different climate patterns here if necessary. General precipitation patterns for seasons (rain, snow) General temperature patterns for seasons.

Climate Description – words Chica Laca is an island in the Caribbean between Jamaica and Florida. Cuba just touches the north coast of Chica Laca. Two features control its weather and climate. Its on the Tropic of cancer and it has warm water currents all around it. As a result, it is warm all throughout the year. It has warm water currents that go all around the island. Its temperature will always stay warm and the water is warm even in the winter. There is no snow in the winter and it doesn’t rain often. The maximum average precipitation occurs in June. Lowest temperatures are in January at 17 degrees C to highest temperatures are 31 degrees in June.

Climate Concerns Global warming concerns in this region of the world?

Agriculture, Aquaculture and Livestock Based on the facts of Cuba, the agriculture there is sugarcanes, corn, tobacco, rice, sweet potatoes, beans, etc…