Comparing and Rounding Decimals Christine Berg Edited V Hamilton
Decimal Models Equivalent Decimals Number Line Comparing Decimals
TenthHundredth Decimal Models
Decimals that represent the same value Example: 0.6 is equivalent to = 0.60 Equivalent Decimals
Zeroes as last digit(s) of a number can be removed 0.6 = 0.60 Terminal Zeroes
Equivalent Decimals
Comparing Decimals Step 1: Stack all the numbers being compared so that all the place values are lined up
Step 2: Add terminal zeros so there are the same number of decimal places Comparing Decimals
Step 3: Underline the first number that is different in the numbers being compared
Step 4: Looking at the underlined digit, you can not tell which number is larger. It does not matter if there are additional numbers after the digit underlined! THIS NUMBER IS LARGER! Comparing Decimals
Step 4: Order numbers depending on the directions given. Pay close attention to whether you’re supposed to order from least to greatest or greatest to least! Comparing Decimals
Which is greater: 0.6 or 0.58 ?
> 0.58
Which is greater: 0.6 or
Step 1: Underline decimal place we are rounding Rounding Decimals
Step 2: Circle the number to the right of the underlined decimal place Rounding Decimals
Step 3: If circled digit is greater than or equal to 5, then round the underlined number up (add one) Rounding Decimals
Step 4: If circled digit is less than or equal to 4, leave the underlined number the same Rounding Decimals
Try these: 1)Round 1.05 to the nearest tenth 2) Round to the nearest tenth Rounding Decimals
Answers: 1) 1.1 2) 0.12 Rounding Decimals
Describe what you learned today about either reading OR rounding decimals. In your Own Words