Introduction This book is based in the time when African Americans weren’t allowed to do many things… It was a very hard life for them. Many people fought for freedom by either violence or by other things. This book doesn’t describe so much about it, but it describes how many people even the people you don’t expect to be annoying, can be annoying. Like Larry Dunn, well not really… He is a bully by nature. The one you don’t expect to be annoying is Joetta.
Meet the Weird Watson's.Meet the Weird Watson's. Enter the hilarious world of ten-year-old Kenny and his family, the Weird Watson's of Flint, Michigan. There’s Momma, Dad, Joetta, and Byron, who’s thirteen and an “official juvenile delinquent.” When Momma and Dad decide it’s time for a visit to Grandma, Dad comes home with the amazing Ultra-Glide, and the Watson’s set out on a trip like no other. They’re heading South. They’re going to Birmingham, Alabama, toward one of the darkest moments in America’s history.
Game Start It was one of those super- duper-cold Saturdays'. Roll Again.It was zillion Degrees below zero. You are driving. Keep Going. Roll Again.You are stuck in the forest at night. Go back three steps. Movie called Nanook of the North. Yup, do belive it was made in Flint, Mitch-again. I seemed like the cold made us want to huddle up. The thermostat was turned all the way up. It was so cold that if you spit, the slob would freeze before touching the ground. “Wilona…” Dad said. “I knew it,” Momma said. It was even cold in the house. We put sweaters, hats and three pairs of socks. You laugh your head off in front of Byron. Go back five steps. “There’s not a whole lot to tell, just a story of a young girl who made a bad choice.” Roll Again.All my family sat real close together on the couch under a blanket. You are a rescued pet. You stay behind the couch for week. Go back one step. One of those days that when you breathed out our breath kind of hung. End
Instructions of Game.Instructions of Game. Step 1- Roll the Dice and move the steps needed. Step 2- Once the Player reaches the destination, he/she has to read the part the Player’s piece landed on. Step 3-The other Players have to memorize the lines written down on the board game. Step 4- The first one to get to the “End!” Spot wins but has to go through a challenge… To organize the lines in order. The dealer, (The person holding the book) has to check if the lines are in correct order. (Don’t worry, The Pages were the answers are will be listed on the Instruction Manual.) If the Player that won got them in correct order, the person wins. If he/she doesn’t put them in order correctly, the person loses the whole game.