2 Applying Knowing Committing Proposed process for adapting to this change Understanding
3 Principles and orientations of the two training options in the Work-Oriented Training Path: Prework Training (PT) and Training for a Semi- skilled Trade (TST) Practical training programs Work-study programs General education programs Main orientations Broad areas of learning and cross-curricular competencies Programs of study in general education: concepts that seem abstract but that lead to concrete learning Illustration of a learning and evaluation situation
4 90% Teaching others or immediate use of learning 75% Practical exercises 50% Group discussion 30% Demonstration 20% Audiovisual 10% Reading 5% Lectures Average percentage of retention after 24 hours, by teaching method Source: National Training Laboratories of Bethel (Maine, USA), based on research results from 1960
5 WORK-ORIENTED TRAINING PATH Replaces the existing Life Skills and Work Skills Education (LSWSE) program Is designed to correct certain identified weaknesses through: –broadened general education, more rigorous evaluation, more uniform certification –possible access to more advanced training –availability of TST in all school boards Maintains the work-study approach, an acknowledged strength of the LSWSE and AVE programs Provides redesigned practical training
6 Is an integral part of the Québec Education Program Is explicitly included in the Basic school regulation Leads to an initial official qualification May under certain conditions lead to vocational training Addresses the range of students' interests, aptitudes and learning styles Includes high but realistic expectations for every student (individualized education plan) Includes aims with regard to citizenship education and increased cultural content Enables students to concretely explore their occupational interests CHARACTERISTICS OF THIS TRAINING PATH
8 PRACTICAL TRAINING PROGRAMS Programs: Preparation for the Job Market (PT and TST) Introduction to the World of Work (PT, year 1) Work Skills (PT, years 2 and 3) Preparation for a Semiskilled Trade (TST)
9 Introduction to the program Pedagogical context Competencies and focuses of the competencies Learning targets Evaluation criteria Program content STRUCTURE OF THE PROGRAMS OF STUDY
10 DIRECTORY OF SEMISKILLED TRADES: a resource Is applicable to both options in this training path Includes semiskilled trades in different sectors Presents the specific competencies and tasks associated with each semiskilled trade Is a useful resource for developing the competencies in practical training Allows students to receive guidance in choosing a practicum suited to their capabilities
11 Competency 1 Establishes his/her personal and occupational profile Competency 3 Implements a sociovocational integration plan Competency 2 Gains an understanding of the job market Aim: Continuation of the career development process started in previous cycles in the spirit of the guidance-oriented approach Reflection supplemented by experience in various contexts Three themes Personal and occupational identity The job market Sociovocational integration plan
12 Aim: To develop students' competencies as workers in a workshop class that reproduces some of the characteristics and requirements of the world of work Directory of Semiskilled Trades An essential resource for structuring workshops and defining tasks Competency 1 Understands the requirements specific to different work situations Competency 3 Adopts attitudes and behaviours appropriate to different work situations Competency 2 Performs tasks associated with different work situations
13 Adopts attitudes and behaviours required in the workplace To increase students' employability To develop the specific competencies associated with a semiskilled trade
14 DIRECTORY OF SEMISKILLED TRADES Examples of competencies related to a semiskilled trade
15 THE TRAINING PLAN personalizes the training provided to students in the Work Skills and Preparation for a Semiskilled Trade programs defines the specific competencies students are to develop during practicums allows students and their supervisors in the school and the workplace to agree on the conditions and nature of the learning to be acquired in the workplace practicum
16 Individualized Education Plans: Helping Students Achieve Success Reminder The Work-Oriented Training Path is chosen on the basis of a student's progress report or individualized education plan (IEP) when it appears to be the best way to help the student to achieve success. The IEP brings together information that is useful for helping the student make progress. The IEP is used to plan and coordinate actions to help the student, in particular those involving his or her training plan.
17 The learning process proposed in the Work Skills program (PT) and the Preparation for a Semiskilled Trade program (TST) makes the procedure for the activities clear. Work-Study Program Procedure for the Activities
18 Reflection is the phase in which students become aware of what they have learned and of the degree of development of their knowledge. Preparation is the phase in which students: - recall their knowledge (connection with the Preparation for the Job Market program) - are presented with the competencies to be developed during the workplace practicum - are taught concepts and strategies they will use during their practicum Performance is the phase of development of the specific competencies, attitudes and behaviours expected in the practicum workplace. New sequence of learning Evaluation of the sequence by the teacher. Planning of a new sequence of learning Illustration of a sequence of learning in a course in Work Skills or Preparation for a Semiskilled Trade
19 SUMMARY OF KEY ELEMENTS Involvement of the school team and partners Concern for complementarity between general education and practical education programs in planning learning Quest for the best possible match between the student's capacities and needs, the aims of the QEP and the possiblities offered in the workplace
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