Launch of the Philippines Partnership Menu 17 October 2002 Makati City
Dr Zahidul Huque UN Theme Group Chair “The Menu of Partnership Options was first launched at the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in New York in February It is a tool to assist the private sector find innovative partnership opportunities with NGOs and government in HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support programmes. The private sector can draw upon the vast network of organizations, such as those included in the menu, to fight HIV/AIDS in our communities, and in the workplace, the frontlines of the epidemic. The development of the Menu in the Philippines was initiated by UNAIDS in collaboration with the AIDS Society of the Philippines, and with technical support from the Philippine Business for Social Progress, the Philippine National AIDS Council Secretariat and the International Labour Organization. It was launched globally at the East Asia Economic Forum on 7 October 2002 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.” Opening Remarks
Mr Oscar Reyes UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador Member of the Board – Shell Asia “At the broadest level, businesses are dependent on the strength and vitality of the economies in which they operate. HIV/AIDS raises the costs of doing business, reduced productivity and lowers overall demand for goods and services. It therefore makes sense to invest in prevention, care and support programmes to stem declining business productivity and profitability. It is in this light that the “Menu of Partnership Options” is being launched this evening. There is a whole range of interventions in which we can be involved and make a difference, from prevention to care and support programmes. The Menu was developed in a way that it aids us in identifying the various opportunities for engagement with NGOs and government and why such interventions are important. It also gives us an appreciation of the range of expenditure and investment in a specific activity and whom to contact when we want to pursue discussions on partnerships always within the context of your respective good governance requirements.” Call to Action
Private sector against AIDS in the Philippines
Philippines Working Group
Orientation on Private Sector Mobilization Bangkok March 2002 Preparatory meeting