Fractals By: Philip Nenni
What is a Fractal? Fractals are patterns that have self-similarity, which means the look the same close up as they do far away. They are a mathematical set that have a fractal dimension, a ratio that provides a statistical index of the complexity of comparing how detail in a pattern changes with the scale of which it was measured, and may fall in the integers.
Where can you find Fractals? Fractals can be found in everything from the beat of the human heart, to lightning, and also the way blood flows through the body.
Benoit Mandelbrot The term fractal was first used by the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot during the year of 1975; it is based off the Latin word fractus meaning broken of fractured. Fractals are also considered a hidden dimension due to its nature.
How Fractals have changed the world. They have helped the movie industry to create special effects in movies such as Star Wars. Fractals also help us to find tumors in bodies due to the way the blood flows differently in them as compared to the rest of the body. They can also help doctors discover issues with patients hearts since the rhythm is in a Fractal pattern.
Cont. Fractals have many other possible applications anywhere from prediction weather to improving computers. They are the single most common thing in or world today and can help us to discover new possibilities all around us. Fractals are important and will continue to improve everything we know and understand.