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Short and Long Run Aggregate Supply Phillips Curve and Laffer Curve Causes of Economic Growth Economic Growth VocabularyPotpourri
In terms of aggregate supply, a period in which nominal wages and other resource prices are unresponsive to price-level changes is called the ___________ A 100
In terms of aggregate supply, the difference between the long run and the short run is that in the long run ________________ A 200
Other things equal, an increase in the price level will _________ A 300
Other things equal, the short- run aggregate supply curve shifts positions when ___________ A 400
If government uses fiscal policy to restrain cost-push inflation, we can expect ___________________ A 500
B 100
B 200
The main criticism of the Laffer Curve is __________ B 300
An adverse supply shock can cause this economic problem. B 400
Inflation accompanied by rising unemployment is known as ________ B 500
Economic growth is usually depicted graphically as ____________. C 100
C 200 An increase in an economy's labor productivity would shift curve ________________
C 300 Labor productivity is defined as ____________
Suppose total output (real GDP) is $4000 and labor productivity is 8. We can conclude that _________ C 400
Suppose total output (real GDP) is $10,000 and worker- hours are 20,000. We can conclude that ________ C 500
Give one of the reasons that economic growth may not be a “good” thing D 100
Give two reasons why economic growth may be a “good” thing D 200
The largest contributor to increases in the productivity of American labor is ___________ D 300
The fact that large producers may be able to use more efficient technologies than smaller producers is usually referred to as ___________. D 400
Increases in the value of a product to each user, including existing users, as the total number of users rises are called ______________ D 500
This was recently named after Stephen Colbert E 100
The first game of the Philadelphia Eagles’ season will be played at this team’s stadium. E 200
E 300 The Phils play five games in seven days against this rival in first days of May
The quote “He conquers who endures” is located here in Mr. Masucci’s room. E 400
What is the quote and author of that quote on the outside of Mr. Masucci’s door? E 500
A view of macroeconomics that emphasizes the role of costs and aggregate supply in explaining inflation, unemployment and economic growth. F 100
Sudden, large changes in resource prices. F 200
Increases in quality/quantity of natural and human resources, the supply of capital goods and improvement of technology F 300
The idea that a product can be produced once, but satisfy the needs of many customers. F 400
Period characterized by accelerated growth (productivity and economic) caused by rapid technological increases and global trade. F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is: Economic Growth Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
List and fully describe the three main factors of economic growth. Click on screen to continue
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