Of Mice and Men Historical Context
Central Issues Friendship Power Loneliness Loyalty and Sacrifice Dreams
John Steinbeck Born in 1902 in Salinas, California Had an appreciation for his surroundings. This shows in his naturalistic, realistic style. He worked during the summers as a hired hand on a ranch nearby.
Salinas River Valley
John Steinbeck’s Writing Wrote during the late 1920’s and the 1930’s His novels are set in California They were considered successful among readers and critics
Of Mice and Men Originally wanted it to be called Something that Happened Wanted the book to be a children’s book Issues included: Poverty Homelessness Exploitation of migrant workers Failure of the American Dream
The Setting of Of Mice and Men Set in the farmland of Salinas River Valley The ranch is near Soledad, east of Salinas, along the river The ranch is based on the ranches of Steinbeck’s experiences
The American Dream “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” --Emma Lazarus Inscribed on the Statue of Liberty
The American Dream You can be successful if you work hard and work morally. America is the land of opportunity. The Constitution guarantees the freedom to work hard and be successful. All Americans have equal opportunity to be successful.
The End of the American Dream The stock market crashes in People longed to own land and property. Because there was more competition for jobs, people headed west for jobs on farms/ranches.
THE DUST BOWL In the 1930’s, a severe drought plagues the Midwest Farmers have to sell their farms/can’t afford Move out west to find fertile ground
MIGRANT WORKERS Traveling west looking for work Called “Okies” Lived in empty boxcars and Hoovervilles/tent cities Earned between 2.50 and 3.00 a day (43.00 today) Called “Bindlestiffs”