SCLS Background: May 1993 Dynix installed 1994 GoLive at 19 libraries LINK expansion: 50 libraries and most of the Dynix modules December 2003 Horizon contract signed March 2007 Horizon development stopped
April – August 2007 ◦ Conferences and Demos SirsiDynix Unicorn demo at SCLS Iowa regional users conference for Symphony update ALA vendor demos: Innovative, LibLime, TLC, SirsiDynix WiLSWorld meeting with Equinox ◦ Evaluations and Recommendation Workflow changes required with any new ILS Holds, Codes, Serials and Acquisitions hurdles Recommend further investigation in Spring 2008
September 07 – March 08 ◦ Conferences WLA, CODI and PLA April 2008 ◦ Onsite Demos: Innovative, Polaris, SirsiDynix Migration committees: checklists LINK Library Staffs: surveys Follow up with vendors Reduced to 2 vendors
June - July 2008 ◦ Migration Committees to Implementation Team ◦ ALA Vendor meetings for follow up Vendor demos ◦ WiLSWorld WALDO presentation Meeting with LibLime and Koha Demo ◦ Customer Site Visits Winnefox (SirsiDynix Symphony) OWLS (III Millennium)
September – October 2008 ◦ LibLime 2-day Scoping Study Contact potential LibLime customers Contact PTFS (vendor supporting Koha) ◦ Implementation Team evaluates Koha, Millennium and Symphony ◦ Recommendation to replace Dynix with Koha and pursue agreement with LibLime as the implementation and support vendor ◦ LINK Directors approve at October meeting ◦ Implementation Team will manage project
Functionality Software development process Sharing development costs Accelerated development Hosting option Company ownership New customers Customers migrating to other systems Staff retention Costs
Investment in next ILS must be long term ◦ Migration costs and effort are immense Consortia’s functional development needs ◦ Workflow changes inevitable ◦ Library staff join in development projects ◦ Learn from and share ideas with Koha community Vendor-supplied development & support ◦ Don’t plan to hire in-house programmers Lower maintenance allows investment in future development
Applications Staff planning & organization Migration Committees members and Implementation Team Vendors’ time and effort = $$$ Winnefox and OWLS Staffs References: Marshall Breeding’s Library Technology Guides at: Breeding, Marshall “Perceptions 2008: An International Survey of Library Automation”
Cibbarelli, Pamela “Helping You Buy ILSs” Computers in Libraries October 2008 pp7-53 Boss, Richard W. “Open Source Integrated Library System Software” revised December 14, tions/platechnotes/OpensourceILS.pdf tions/platechnotes/OpensourceILS.pdf Migration to come… Don’t crow till you’re out of the woods. (old Irish proverb)