Why is the Cat not in the Zodiac? project-based learning and world language and culture
Students show through projects what they can do with what they know Start with open-ended question that require critical thinking and research Let students decide what they want to communicate in Chinese What is project-based learning?
What they know: Lesson 7 Animals in Far East Chinese for Youth I Most animals in the zodiac: 鼠,牛,虎,兔, ? 蛇, 马,羊,猴,鸡, 狗,猪 Animals not in the zodiac: 鸟,熊猫, 鱼 Different verbs: 飞,跑, 叫, 爬 Sentence Structure: 会。。。吗? 会不会。。。?
What they learned from research Chinese culture through folklores The way of keeping time and Chinese astrology Different traits of animals: cultural symbols
What they do Puppet skit to present to the school community on what they know about the Chinese zodiac Show creativity when they want to add Bird to the story Connect with other subjects such as art when making the props and design costume
R.E.A.L principle and the project Main aspects of the project fit the principles used in the classroom R: Relevant E: Engaging A: Autonomous L: Live
R: Relevant The project was done during Chinese New Year of 2010-relevant and appropriate content Students reported that it is much easier to understand and remember the order of the zodiac after the skit project
E: Engaging Students love the story and the stuffed animals, so they are naturally engaged and motivated. Researches show different parts of the brain: Left Side of BrainRight side of Brain -Facts and rules-Emotions (vocabulary, grammar)(expression, fun )
A: Autonomous -project-based learning does not require a right or wrong answer -Give student the autonomy of choosing the most enticing story and ownership in writing, acting and editing. -Teamwork: Class needs to agree on one story -Controlled Autonomy: Required contents (previously learned vocabulary and structures) to use
L: Live Presentation in School’s Chinese New Year Assembly Keep Chinese live within the community outside the school I-movie uploaded on school website for parents
Vocabulary and structures used Textbook content comes alive through skit