P AT Q UINN G OVERNOR O F I LLINOIS Population: 12,830,632
P ERSONAL H ISTORY E ARLY L IFE Governor Birth Born in Education Family
P OLITICAL L IFE Political Party: Democrat 1982: Commissioner, Cook County Board of Tax Appeals : Illinois State Treasurer : Lieutenant Governor January 29 th, 2009: Assumed Office of Governor 2009-present: Governor of Illinois
C ONTRIBUTION T O A MERICAN W AY O F L IFE Contribution #1: Passed Illinois Jobs Now! State’s 1 st capital plan in over 10 years Creating more than 439,000 jobs in over 6 years Nations largest infrastructure improvement program
C ONTRIBUTION T O A MERICAN W AY O F L IFE Contribution #2: May 9 th, Comprehensive Energy Plan. Stabilize energy bills/create many jobs Encourages investment in reliable energy. Ensures that 25% of Illinois’ energy comes from renewable resources by 2025
L ASTING I MPORTANCE He served the people of Illinois for more than 30 years as both a citizen and public official.
W ORKS C ITED "Governor Pat Quinn." - The Voter's Self Defense System. Web. 29 Mar "Governor Quinn Unvails Comprehensive Energy Plan." Web. 29 Mar "Illinois Governor Pat Quinn." Web. 29 Mar