Branch Chain Amino Acids By: Timmy Phomsouvanh
Introduction My name is Timmy Phomsouvanh and my major is Human Performance Management with a minor in Nutrition Education I chose this topic because I’ll be working in a fitness setting and questions about supplements tend to come up.
Overview History What is it? Different BCAA’s Supplements Suggested Intake Food Chart Conclusion
History Leucine was discovered in 1818 by Joseph L. Proust in putrefying cheese Henri Braconnot discovered leucine for himself while decomposing meat with sulfuric acid. - Gave the name because of its sparkling white appearance Valine was discovered in 1901 by German scientist named Emil Fischer. He discovered it by hydrolyzing milk protein called casein. Isoleucine was discovered in 1904 by Felix Ehrlich. It was first isolated from fibrin; a protein that takes part in blood clotting
What is it?
Leucine Has a branched hydrocarbon side chain (is hydrophobic) Strongest and most important BCAA for inducing anabolism Helps athletes rebuild muscle and increase their physical endurance and strength Utilized in the liver, adipose and muscle tissue Foods: Nuts, brown rice, almonds, fish, beef, milk, eggs, etc.
Isoleucine Energy supply of muscle tissue- critical during periods of extensive exercise Interchangeable with leucine and occasionally with valine in proteins Foods: Meat and other animal produce, dried peas, and walnuts
Valine Promote normal growth, repair tissues, regulate blood sugar, and provide body with energy Maintenance of a proper nitrogen balance in the body Helps breakdown of muscle supplying the muscles with extra glucose for energy production during intense physical activity Foods: meats, dairy products, soy products, beans and legumes
BCAA’s Supplementation Pill or Powder form Look at nutrition label Ratio- 2:1:1, 4:1:1 Foods High quality protein- mainly animal meat or animal products such as eggs and milk. Incomplete protein- lentils, dried beans and peas, nuts, and cereals.
Suggested Intake Dietary Reference Intake (DRIs) for Essential Amino Acids Amino Acids Estimated Average Requirement for Children 1-3 years (mg/kg/day) Estimated Average Requirement for Adults (mg/kg/day) Isoleucine2215 Leucine4834 Valine2819
Popular Food BCAA Content
Conclusion Discussed branch chain amino acids The three different BCAA’s- leucine, isoleucine, and valine Supplements and Foods Suggested intake per day Food content
References Burke, L. M. (2001). Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) and Athletic Performance. International Sportmed Journal, 2(3), 1. Williams, M., Anderson, D., & Rawson, E. (1999). Protein: The Tissue Builer. In Nutrition for health, fitness, & sport (10th ed., pp ). Boston, Mass.: WCB/McGraw-Hill. Gleeson, M. (2005). Interrelationship between Physical Activity and Branched-Chain Amino Acids. Journal Of Nutrition, S-1595S. Shimomura, Y., Murakami, T., Nakai, N., Nagasaki, M., & Harris, R. A. (2004). Exercise Promotes BCAA Catabolism: Effects of BCAA Supplementation on Skeletal Muscle during Exercise. Journal Of Nutrition, S-1587S. Shimomura, Y., Yamamoto, Y., Bajotto, G., Sato, J., Murakami, T., Shimomura, N., &... Mawatari, K. (2006). Nutraceutical Effects of Branched-Chain Amino Acids on Skeletal Muscle. Journal Of Nutrition, 136(2), 529S-532S. McNight, C. (2014, January 31). Branch Chain Amino Acids Benefits. Retrieved September 8, McArdle, W., & Katch, F. (1999). Sports & exercise nutrition. Philadelphia: Williams & Wilkins.
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