The Civil War A Nation Divided
US History CIvil War: A Nation Divided2 The Civil War Long-term Causes –Conflict over slavery –Economic differences between North and South –Conflict over the issue of states’ rights v. Federal control
US History CIvil War: A Nation Divided3 The Civil War Immediate causes: –Election of Abraham Lincoln –Secession of the Southern states –Firing on Fort Sumter –PURPOSE OF THE WAR: To fight against secession. To preserve and protect the Union.
US History CIvil War: A Nation Divided4 The Civil War General expectations: –That the war would last no longer than 90 days.
US History CIvil War: A Nation Divided5 The Civil War Remember: The North enjoyed tremendous advantages over the South: –More factories –More extensive rail system –Greater food production –More fighting power
US History CIvil War: A Nation Divided6 The Civil War Union strategy: –A three-part plan: The Union Navy would blockade Southern ports. Union riverboats and troops would move down the Mississippi and cut the South in two. Capture the confederate capital at Richmond, VA.
US History CIvil War: A Nation Divided7 The Civil War What about the South? –They had their own advantages as they entered into war: A long military tradition OUTSTANDING generals Highly motivated soldiers who saw themselves as the defenders of their homeland. PASSION!
US History CIvil War: A Nation Divided8 The Civil War Confederate strategy: –They are forced to adopt a mostly defensive strategy but Southern leadership encouraged their generals to attack—and even invade— the North if given the opportunity
US History CIvil War: A Nation Divided9 The Civil War Emancipation proclamation: –Though no slaves would actually be freed Lincoln’s proclamation would change the tone, tenor, and purpose of the war. –Original purpose: To stop secession of the South and preserve the Union. –New purpose: To end slavery; to free the enslaved. Suddenly, this war was focused on the moral purpose of achieving freedom FOR ALL MEN!!!
US History CIvil War: A Nation Divided10 The Civil War After the Proclamation, black men were allowed to join the fight for freedom and they enlisted in enormous numbers. That DOESN’T MEAN…that all Northerners were glad to see African- Americans join the battle. Many accepted them begrudgingly. Indeed, blacks were placed in all-black regiments.
US History CIvil War: A Nation Divided11 The Civil War After the Proclamation compromise was no longer an option: –The Confederacy knew that if it lost, its slave- holding society would perish, and the North knew that it could win only by completely defeating the Confederacy. IT WAS WAR TO THE DEATH.
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US History CIvil War: A Nation Divided15 The Civil War Civil War Medicine –Look into Civil War medicine. How did they deal with injuries sustained in battle? What kinds of injuries did soldiers tend to suffer? What about things like anesthesia? Pain medicine? What kinds of instruments were used? How many casualties occurred as a result of poor medicine? How many doctors were available? What kind of education did doctors of the period have? These are just a few of the possible questions you could ask.
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US History CIvil War: A Nation Divided18 The Civil War The Legacy of the War –Using information that you have learned, what do you imagine was the legacy of the War. –Want to make sure that you are on the right track? CHECK CHAPTER 11 SECTION 5.
US History CIvil War: A Nation Divided19 The Civil War Immediate Effects of the Civil War: –Abolition of slavery –Widening gap between the economies of the North and South –Physical devastation of the South –Reunification of the country
US History CIvil War: A Nation Divided20 The Civil War Long-Term Effects of the Civil War –Reconstruction of the South –Industrial boom –Increased federal authority