What is EMS? ISO “ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” (EMS) is a management system that controls pollution and and preserve natural resources of the Environment.
What is Environment? ENVIRONMENT is everything that surround us, including Flora (vegetation) and Fauna (animals and insects), and consists of: AIR GROUND (SOIL) WATER
What is Significant Aspect? SIGNIFICANT ASPECT is a element of an organization's activity which could or does interferes with the Environment, such as pollution to air, ground and water, that would cause significant changes to the Environment. Example: Oil leak from Truck- Causing Land Pollution Chemical Spillage from IMO Class Container- Causing Land Pollution and Air Pollution
Why EMS? Every Organization that feels responsible for preservation and protection of the natural habitat should have an EMS in place and funnel some of the profits for the good cause. This could be achieved by: Environmental Awareness programs Providing facilities, such as garbage bins clearly labeled for what waste it is intended Enforce measures to control pollution Implement the three “R”
The three “R” means: REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE and it is designed to reduce waste generation, as well as for the preservation of the natural resources by reducing the use of paper or recycling used paper (preservation of trees, forest), by reducing electrical power and water consumption (reduced air pollution by using less oil for generating the power), etc. What are the three “R”?
What is my role in EMS? Everybody plays an important role in the preservation and protection of the Environment.You can contribute by: Understanding and Achieving EHS Policy SEGREGATE WASTE DISPOSE GARBAGE IN PROVIDED BINS CLEANUP YOUR WORKSPACE, USING OIL SPILL KIT PREVENT POLLUTION,USING DRIP TRAYS SWITCH OFF LIGHTS when you are not in the room TURN OFF THE WATER while applying soap during bath SWITCH OFF any equipment you are not using for some time REUSE PAPER by utilizing the other side of the paper
What more than 3R’s? Advise your colleagues if you see them littering to use garbage bins Talk with your colleagues and family about the protection of the Environment and on importance of the clean surroundings Pick up any odd piece of paper or soft drinks can and put it in the bin – it is not a great effort but it will discourage other litter Open your eyes and report any observations on any kind of pollution to your supervisor – including long time abandoned rubbish, drums, etc.