TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 1 October 19-23, 2009 CINEMA Operations Manfred Bester
TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 2 October 19-23, 2009 Outline −CINEMA Concept of Operations −Operations Heritage at UCB/SSL −Communications Options −Ground Systems Requirements −Ongoing Work −Student Involvement in Operations
TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 3 October 19-23, 2009 CINEMA Concept of Operations −Mission Orbit Spin-stabilized spacecraft Baseline orbit 650 km circular at 72° inclination −Pass Coverage Typically 4 passes/day with 30 min access time Tracking via TLEs downloaded from USSTRATCOM −Data Recovery Store-and-forward scheme, downlink at 1 Mbps Recoverable science data volume 760 Mbits/day −Ground Segment MOC and ground station located at UCB/SSL Look into using heritage control system (ITOS)
TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 4 October 19-23, 2009 FAST THEMIS Since 2007 RHESSI Since 2002 EUVE CHIPS NuSTAR Launch 2011 Flight Operations History at UC Berkeley’s Space Sciences Laboratory 4 Operations History at UCB/SSL
TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 5 October 19-23, 2009 Flight control consoles at the multi-mission MOC 5 CINEMA can leverage strong heritage of an existing multi- mission MOC Many internal MOC systems and interfaces required for CINEMA are functional already High degree of systems automation is employed for reliable lights-out operations New interfaces required for CINEMA depending upon telecommunications trades All operational interfaces are carefully exercised during pre-launch testing Multi-mission Operations Center at UCB/SSL
TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 6 October 19-23, 2009 Original CINEMA Ground Track
TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 7 October 19-23, 2009 Communications Options −Telecom Trades −Frequency band selection −Flight transceivers −Flight antennas −Flight software −Ground hardware & software −Ground Stations −BGS 11m −Others −Link Budgets −NASA style S-band links and WiFi S-band links −Spectrum Licensing −Government, commercial or amateur radio
TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 8 October 19-23, 2009 Telemetry & Command Data Formats −CCSDS Standard −Packet layer −Transfer frame layer −Coding layer with Reed Solomon error correction −UCB has in-house heritage −Various tools in place to process data −AX.25 Standard −Useful for low rate house keeping and command data transfer −May be alternative for UHF/VHF links −Can be implemented at the MOC
TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 9 October 19-23, 2009 Engineering TLM/CMD S-band MHz Science TLM S-band MHz CINEMA MOC at UCB/SSL S-band Communications Concept BGS 11m Antenna
TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 10 October 19-23, 2009 Engineering TLM/CMD UHF/VHF 440/145 MHz Science TLM S-band MHz CINEMA MOC at UCB/SSL Multi-band Communications Concept BGS 11m Antenna
TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 11 October 19-23, 2009 NASA Style S-Band Link −Transceiver options:SpaceQuest, Emhiser −Heritage:CHIPSAT, various others −Spectrum licensing:Need government license −Trades:Can use BGS “as is” High link margin Low risk SpaceQuest TX-2400 Transmitter
TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 12 October 19-23, 2009 WiFi S-Band Link −Transceiver options:MicroHard −Heritage:GENESAT −Spectrum licensing:Need amateur radio license −Trades:Reuse existing flight hardware and software Unknown impact of local WiFi interference MicroHard MHX-2400 Transceiver
TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 13 October 19-23, 2009 S-Band Prototype Antennas First Prototype Model −Linear polarized patch antenna Overall Dimensions 70.2 x 70.2 mm 2 −Fabricated first antenna prototype at SSL Need to optimize design further Goal is circular polarized antenna −Test with BGS 11-m antenna in far field
TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 14 October 19-23, 2009 Commercial S-Band Antennas Spectrum Control −Provides patch antenna elements −Various frequency bands (900 MHz – 5.8 GHz) −Circular polarization
TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 15 October 19-23, 2009 S-Band Flight Antennas Flight Models −Circular polarized patches: Need 4 −Typical gain pattern: Hemispherical with taper −Performance goals See table below Patch Antenna Performance Goals Parameterθ = 90°θ = 30°θ = 5° Efficiency> 80% Gain> 7 dBic> 0 dBic> -10 dBic Axial Ratio< 1 dB< 6 dB< 10 dB
TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 16 October 19-23, 2009 Ground Systems Requirements −Mission Operations −Ground control system −Mission planning products −Sequence table generation −State-of-health monitoring −Spacecraft command and control −Ground station interfaces −Science Data Processing −Download of science data −Reformatting and archiving −Data distribution to science teams −Web based interfaces
TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 17 October 19-23, 2009 Ongoing Work −Communications Design Trades for selection of radios ongoing S-band antenna prototyping ongoing Need to address spectrum licensing −Ground Systems Ground station options tied to selection of radios Command & control systems Look into CCSDS compatibility −Develop Detailed Operations Concept Operations scenarios Attitude control Day-in-the-life planning
TRIO-CINEMA Meeting at KHU 18 October 19-23, 2009 On-orbit Operations −Make use of rich heritage and many years of experience −Take into account lessons learned −Adapt and simplify procedures from larger missions where appropriate −Perform detailed mission readiness testing to demonstrate all ground systems elements and interfaces are ready −Perform simulations for launch countdown and first/second day on orbit −Train students to successfully operate CINEMA under the guidance of professional flight controllers −Prepare students to work on larger and more complex missions in their future careers