Animal Intelligence Plamena Batchkarova
Today's presentation Important experiments - Washoe - Alex
The Washoe project Gardner, R.A. & B.T Two approaches to animals Consider the nature of cognition Teach them human language ASL vs vocal language Choice of chimpanzees as subjects Intelligent and sociable Communicate with gestures, but… Use sounds in different contexts, totally unable to vocalize human language
Techniques used Minimal caging Minimal caging Friendly approach Researcher not allowed to talk Imitation game to refine new signs Imitation game to refine new signs Delayed imitation- bathed her doll, brushed her own teeth
Achievements Thirty signs in two years, totally over 200 Imitate on command (“Do this!”) Transfer signs to new member of a class “more”- tickling to games to food “open”- 1 door to all doors to water faucets (!) “flower” for odours Used combinations of signs “open key” “go sweet” Loulis
ALEX Avian Learning Experiment Pepperberg, I. M Pepperberg, I. M Label and vocalize over 100 objects Label and vocalize over 100 objects Answer questions about abstract categories Answer questions about abstract categories Colour, shape, matter, size, quantity Even on novel objects