Pat Powers, RD Director of Food and Nutrition Services
School meals are Balanced and Healthy: No more than 30 % of calories can come from fat and less than 10 % from saturated fat. Lunches must provide 1/3 of the RDA of protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, iron, calcium and calories. School meals must be served in age appropriate portions
– Healthy eating correlates with fewer trips to the school nurse and less absenteeism. – Providing nutritious school breakfast leads to improved test scores. – School meals are safe: Managers and cooks complete the IL Sanitation Certification training and have implemented a HACCP Plan. – School kitchens are subject to two health inspections annually conducted by the McLean County Health Department.
How Many Students Choose Schools Meals ? Breakfasts Served in : 186,591 (42%increase) Lunches Served in : 1,293,443 (5% increase)
- Age-appropriate portion sizes and calorie limits - Larger servings & More variety of vegetables and fruits - Fat-free flavored or 1% milk - More whole grains - And less sodium - Limits on saturated fat and no trans fat
What looks different on lunch plate at Unit 5? - Portion Size for vegetables doubled; -More variety in vegetables offered (dark green, orange/red, and legumes must be offered weekly) -Larger fruit portions -Fewer grains, and at least half the grains offered are whole grain rich -USDA requires students to select at least ½ cup of fruit or vegetable
New items in the marketplace as companies lower fat, sodium and sugar Taste Test new recipes with students Continue to evaluate customer satisfaction Questions