Comfort Doctrines (7) A teaching which is designed to give comfort and remove the fear of consequences to one who refuses to repent of some sinful activity.
Comfort Doctrines (7) The first “comfort doctrine” – Gen. 3:4 “There is no hell” “Once saved, always saved” “God will overlook sins of ignorance/weakness”, etc.
Today Comfort Doctrine: “It Doesn’t Matter What We Believe”
The Doctrine Explained Many denominations have moved away from exclusiveness and are embracing a concept that we should “agree to disagree”. Doctrinal difference is dismissed as unimportant
Rick Warren, “Pastor”, Saddleback church “To my Islamic brother from Italy, I would say, ‘I’m not interested in interfaith dialogue, I’m interested in interfaith projects...” World Economic Forum, January 24, 2008
Rick Warren, “Pastor”, Saddleback church “the two largest faiths on the planet must work together to combat stereotypes and solve global problems”, and “Some problems are so big you have to team tackle them,” July 4, 2009 Islamic Society Forum
The Doctrine Explained “Unity in diversity” Ecumenicalism “a movement esp. among protestant groups…aimed at achieving universal Christian unity and church union through interdenominational organizations that cooperate on matters of mutual concern.”
The Doctrine Explained “Grace-Unity Movement” “Attend the church of your choice” “We’re all going to heaven, just by different routes.”
The Doctrine Explained Distinction between matters where we do agree (i.e. social concerns) but keeping doctrinal distinct. I.e. difference between gospel and doctrine Comfort doctrine? Such can lead to one formulating doctrinal beliefs and THEN seeking a church that will validate that belief.
What does the Bible say? Unity is clearly taught in scripture 1 Cor. 1:10 John 17:20-21 Ephesians 4:1-6
What does the Bible say? What is Biblical unity? NOT ecumenicalism! God’s word is truth John 17:17, 16:13 Eph. 4:21, Jn. 8:32 NOWHERE in scripture is truth treated as arbitrary! Cf. Eph. 5:17
What does the Bible say? Agreement of truth produces TRUE unity - 1 Cor. 1:10 1 Cor. 4:17 - Same in every church 2 Pet. 3:16 – Paul & Peter Phil. 2:1-3 – like-minded Gal. 1:2, Rev. 1:11 – letters to more than one congregation Rev. 2:7, 11,17, 29, 3:6, 13, 22 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” NOT an ecumenical spirit
What does the Bible say? 2 Tim. 3:16, 17 – All scripture makes the man of God complete James 1:21-25 – “the perfect Law of Liberty” Matt. 7:21-23 – Not enough to say, “Lord”; We must DO!
What does the Bible say? What about false teachers? Ecumenicalism allows for false teachers (& teaching) to be acceptable!
What does the Bible say? What about false teachers? Does the Bible tolerate false teachers or teaching? Where? 2 Pet. 2:1-3, 1 Jn. 4:1-3 2 John 9-11 Cf. Acts 18:24-28 – Apollos, What about Paul? While there is some distinction between corrupt false teachers and those honest in teaching error (i.e. motives), NEVER is false teaching or teachers treated as acceptable! BOTH needed correction!
What does the Bible say? Is the gospel exclusive? NO! Available to all John 3:16, Rom. 1:16 YES! HOW one is saved & HOW to serve God – 2 Thess. 1:8, Lk. 6:46, Matt. 7:13-14 God expects us to obey Him! Cf. 2 Pet. 1:13
What about “core” principles? Sometimes effort is made to distinguish between “core” values and matters of doctrinal disagreement Distinction between “gospel” and “doctrine” Can we dismiss doctrinal matters?
What about “core” principles? The gospel IS doctrine – 1 Tim. 1:10-11 What we obey – Rom. 1:5 – the faith Rom. 2:8 – the truth Rom. 6:17 – doctrine Rom. 10:16 – the gospel
What about “core” principles? Doctrine is described as: 1 Tim. 1:10-11 – sound 1 Tim. 6:3 – accords with godliness 2 Tim. 3:16 – profitable 2 John 9 – doctrine of Christ Acts 2:42 – apostle’s doctrine Jn. 7:16-17 – of the Father
What about “core” principles? WHO determines what is “core” doctrine and what is not? What if someone doesn’t meet our “core” values? Can we reject them? Should they reject us?
What about “core” principles? Can we lend fellowship to a church practicing error? Eph. 5:11 2 Cor. 6:14-17
Why this “comfort doctrine” is wrong! It is UNscriptural and ANTIscriptural It promotes division – denominationalism It promotes ignorance It removes true Biblical accountability Why contend for the faith?
Why this “comfort doctrine” is wrong! It redefines many Biblical terms Grace Fellowship Gospel & Doctrine Who are brethren What is sin
TRUE comfort! Comes through knowing and doing God’s will! 1 Thess. 4:18, Rom. 15:4 Comes through TRUE and COMPLETE unity Seeking those of “like precious faith.”
Does what you believe agree with what God teaches?