Agenda item 6 Natura 2000 Communication CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature 11 th meeting - 15/11/11
This presentation covers: Habitats Directive/LIFE 20 Years: plans for celebration Natura 2000 branding: toolbox & logo
Habitats Directive/LIFE 20 Years Celebration plans Natura 2000 site live events High level Conference Natura 2000 Brochure (Also LIFE project events & brochure)
Habitats Directive/LIFE 20 Years Natura 2000 site live events 5 events in emblematic Natura 2000/LIFE project sites (One in DK) Focus on Celebrities, high level representatives and Politicians Target audience: media & decision makers Participants: local citizens/the public
Habitats Directive/LIFE 20 Years Natura 2000 site live events Close collaboration with authorities, NGOs, other stakeholders Dedicated to the benefits of nature conservation Provide stories relevant for local and national media Supporting online activities: Facebook pages, Natura 2000 videos, prize winning etc.
Habitats Directive/LIFE 20 Years High level Conference Celebratory Conference on the Habitats Directive and Natura 2000; the idea is to celebrate Natura 2000 (including LIFE) and to look forward. The Conference would presumably take place in Brussels where participants are easily available.
Habitats Directive/LIFE 20 Years Natura 2000 Celebration brochure Challenges & success stories from all Member States – showing added value Covering all stakeholders perspective Target audience: the interested/broad public Building on the main provisions of Habitats Directive Covering the relation to Birds Directive, LIFE Regulation and Biodiversity Strategy
Habitats Directive/LIFE 20 Years Natura 2000 Celebration brochure We are looking for stories that: Faced new challenges/provided new solutions Were emblematic as to species, habitats or sites of national importance Showed new ways of cooperation between different stakeholders Showed integration (with agriculture for instance) in practice Involved a LIFE project success story Demonstrated impact and real added value of the Habitats Directive
We would welcome: Expression of interest in hosting a live event in a Natura 2000 site Nomination of Success stories for the Natura 2000 celebratory brochure Information about your plans for celebration
Natura 2000 branding Results of survey Quantitative study The respondents mostly chose positive terms to describe Natura 2000 Natura 2000 is not well known among the general public (71%) There is not sufficient communication on Natura 2000 for the general public (84%) The respondents were most interested in using television, radio and newspapers for the general public There is a need to communicate at all three levels, with a preference for local, then national, then European level
Natura 2000 branding Results of survey Qualitative study All respondents were positive towards Natura 2000 and its goals, but: The European aspect of Natura 2000 is on the one hand seen as a benefit, and on the other hand a problem. It is frustrating that many still see Natura 2000 as an intrusion of their freedom and growth and do not see the benefits. Natura 2000 is unknown by the public and also badly understood. There is an urgent need for positive media coverage. There is a lack of communication on Natura The Commission should be responsible for the general promotion of the network. Leaflets and brochures are mostly used. The willingness to communicate more was certainly present. Enthusiasm for a toolbox was clearly noticeable. School kits or educational material was considered a good avenue to explore. Television was considered the best medium to spread the Natura 2000 message to the general public.
Natura 2000 branding Toolbox The aim of the toolbox is twofold: To refresh the graphic design identity of Natura 2000, including the Natura 2000 logo. This serves to install a clear and consistent corporate identity to improve recognition of the 'brand' and to create a distinctive 'brand' image. To assist and encourage stakeholders to communicate more on Natura 2000 by offering templates and examples on communication on Natura 2000.
Natura 2000 branding Toolbox The toolbox comprises multiple elements: A toolbox guide - to explain the proper use of all tools, and to show examples of what the Natura 2000 communication could look like. A collection of templates - brochures, flyers, posters, website, banner, letters. The toolbox could be made available on the website to be downloaded in workable files for adaptation at national or local level.
Natura 2000 branding Toolbox examples Natura Day poster Brochures Tourist leaflet Refreshed logo
Natura 2000 branding Toolbox Example: tourist map
Current logo
Refreshed logo
We would welcome: Comments on the tool box and logo Expression of interest in a dedicated meeting on Communication Thank you!