Graphic designers do a lot of careful work before they produce their designs. Successful designers follow a series of steps to make their ideas memorable.


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Presentation transcript:

Graphic designers do a lot of careful work before they produce their designs. Successful designers follow a series of steps to make their ideas memorable for a client.

Design Process 1.Define the Challenge 2.Research 3.Brainstorm 4.Sketching 5.Design Direction 6.Tight Sketches 7.Client Review


Components of your slide: Thorough description of the process. A visual. A hypothetical example that you make up.

LOGOS Ways to show identity.

LOGOS Ways to show identity. An identity is a graphic design plan that helps establish a recognizable name and set of designs for the products of a business, group, or company.

Your task: Think of a popular logo from a common business, company, organization. Find an example of it on the internet. Set up a word document and write a paragraph about why you think the logo is effective. (Please include a picture of the logo.) What to consider: o The Elements and Principles o Relationship of the logo to the concept of the company or organization.