Stencil Collage Textures and Colors
Contour line- the line that defines the outermost limits or extremities of an object or shape.
Assignment: Find 6 objects in the room to do contour line drawings of in your sketchbook. 3 organic & 3 geometric. Do organic drawings on one side, & geometric drawings on the other side. When complete, bring them to me to grade and approve.
Assignment cont’d: Choose one sheet of color paper and one sheet of black paper and cut them in half. Pick the 2 best drawings and draw one geometric contour on a half sheet of color paper and draw the organic shape on the other half sheet of color paper. Do a reduction of the same contour inside your first drawings. Come get an x-acto knife and cutting mat and cut the shapes out. Place these shapes on your black paper and trace them and cut them out.
Collage- an artwork created by pasting cut or torn materials such as paper, photographs, and fabric to a surface.
Stencil - A sheet in which a desired lettering or design has been cut so that media applied to the sheet will reproduce the pattern on the surface beneath.
Texture- the element of art that refers to how things feel, or look as if they might feel if touched.
Actual (real) texture- a surface that can be experienced through the sense of touch (a real object’s actual surface such as sandpaper or bark on a tree).
Invented texture- a created texture whose only source is in the imagination of the artist.
Simulated texture- a convincing copy or translation of an object’s texture in any medium.
Assignment: In you sketchbook, draw 3 rows of 3 squares measuring 2” x 2”. Label the first row Actual Texture, the second row Simulated Texture, the third row Invented Texture. Next, draw 3 examples of each type of texture. One example in each box. Move around the room to find actual/real textures and examples of simulated textures.
Color- the visual response to the wavelengths of light identified as red, blue, yellow, etc.
Hue- designates the common name of a color and indicates its position on the color wheel.
Analogous color- colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel.
12 total stencils: 3 organic color 3 organic black 3 geometric color 3 geometric black
Get a 12”x18” sheet of white paper. Arrange your 12 stencils on the white paper in a way that breaks up the white paper into smaller areas of negative space. Make sure stencils of the same color do not touch. Overlap the stencils to add contrast between colors. Stencils can hang off the edge of the 12”x18” white paper. Once your have a good composition, glue the stencils in place.
1. Use a black Sharpie marker to draw simulated and invented textures in white spaces. 2. Use color pencils that are analogous to your color paper to color the textures in the white space and to do textured rubbings.