ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS THE SETTING Opened to commercial shipping7 th October 1933 Initial capacity3 berths (1.3 LT) Premier port of the country during the last 6 years ( ) The only Indian port having three international accreditations: ISO 9001 (Quality Management System) ISO (Environment Management System) OHSAS (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) Periodical surveillance audit by IRQS
EQ1 EQ 2 EQ 3 EQ 4 EQ 5 EQ 6 EQ 7 EQ 9 EQ 8 EQ 10 WQ 1 WQ 2 WQ 3 WQ 4 WQ 5 WQ 6 WQ 7 WQ 8 VPT – Lay out Map Proposed berths V C T P L NOM LPG CAVERN OHP
Cargo Profile Iron ore & PelletsCrude oil Thermal coalCoking coal AluminaFertilisers Steel Products & Pig iron Rock Phos.& Sulphur Steam coal Food grainsLAM Coke Container cargo ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS 18001
CARGO PROFILE FOR ORE BERTH Iron ore & Pellets --CLO --Fines --Pellets (3.91) (7.09) (2.71) 16.7 (6.2) (1.5) (9.0) ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS (million tonnes) VPT’s share in export market 21% Augmented capacity of the project is 19 MTPA
ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS IRON ORE HANDLING AT THE PORT Ore handling plant (3000 TPH) commissioned at Inner Harbour – 1965 Outer harbour commissioned to handle 100,000 DWT vessels and ore handling plant up-graded in Ore berth deepened to handle 150,000 DWT ships Catering to export requirements of iron ore and pellets, thus contributing to the nation’s economy Value of the iron ore exported through the port is Rs. 25 crores per annum
ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS NEED FOR THE PROJECT To meet the demand from the Japanese buyers/Indigenous units to cater to 200,000 DWT vessels To improve efficiency and reduce cost
ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS SCOPE OF THE PROJECT The proposal envisages Up-gradation of ore berth by constructing additional mooring dolphin Deepening the berth to cater to 18.1 m draft Replacement of equipment to improve the loading rate from 4000 TPH to 8000 TPH
ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS SCOPE OF THE PROJECT The proposal envisages Up-gradation/ Re-orientation of existing conveyor belts Consolidation of stack yard Modernisation of relay based electrical control system to PLC
ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS Proposed new equipment at ore handling plant Sl. No. Descrition(No.) Capacity (TPH) Status 1Shiploader18000Replacement 2Stacker (ST-1)12700Replacement 3Stacker (ST-4)11000New 4BW Reclaimer (BWR-2) Replacement 5BW Reclaimer (BWR-5) New 6Conveyor system10New/rehabilitation 7Control systemPLC
ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS BENEFITS ENVISAGED Improvement in average turn round time to 2 days from 3.3 days resulting in a savings of 140 ship days Decrease in berth occupancy owing to handling of larger parcels with higher efficiency Containment of dust emission by procuring improvised ship loader with extended discharge tube & integration of drive houses and better EMP
ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS MAJOR FEATURE OF EIA STUDY Physical Environment Air quality within 10Km radius Water quality within 10 Km radius Surface water Ground water Coastal water Waste water Noise level study within 10 Km radius Day time Night time
ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS MAJOR FEATURES OF EIA STUDY Biological Environment Terrestrial ecology Aquatic ecology (Coastal marine system) Special focus on proposed area for dredging and offshore dumping
ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS MAJOR FEATURES OF EIA STUDY Socio-economic Study Primary data from the 150 household on the current socio-economic status and also the perception of the local community on the project Special focus on fishermen community
PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Air quality AttributeE M P Additional load under stackyard leading to fugitive emission 4.25 lakh saplings already in place (95% survival) Plans to plant 15,000 saplings of selected species per annum Regular wetting of stack yard to prevent fugitive emission by installing mechanised dust suppression system (Rs 6.00 crores) Total cost including mechanised system at other places (Rs 16 crores) Appointed MECONS as consultants ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS Conservation of mangrove belt area is ensured
Air quality AttributeE M P Additional load under stackyard leading to fugitive emission Covering of stacks with polythene sheets Adequate system to contain the dust pollution over conveyor belt and at transfer points by providing water sprinklers Conveyor belt passing through the city is fully insulated to prevent dust and sound pollution Provision of masks to OHP personnel ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT In addition mechanised facilities for coal handling at outer harbour at a cost of Rs. 340 Crores is planned
RSPMTSPM St. Aloysius school St. john parish school MCV kalyanamanda pam St. Aloysius school St. john parish school MCV kalyanamanda pam yearly avg Yearly average of Air quality results (RSPM, TSPM for one year from July 2005 to August 2006) Micro gms/cu.m The above results are within the permissble limits. Post project emission rates are slightly higher By 7 micro gms/cu.m But will come down to 80/180 micro gms /cu.m with effective EMP
PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Water quality AttributeE M P Biological productivity Coastal water did not show any adverse impact in view of the biologically insignificant profile of the areas to be dredged and off shore dumping area Dumping area is identified based on scientific study by CWPRS No new area is proposed for dumping Dredging in soft soil only. Minimal rock dredging Noise quality Noise levels are being monitored by APPCB ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS 18001
Biological environment AttributeE M P Terrestrial ecology No adverse impact Coastal waterIn use since 3 decades and no perceptible change in water quality ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS 18001
Socio-economic Study AttributeE M P Effect on fishing zone Fishermen community welcomed the proposal and no apprehension against VPT with regard to fishing productivity as the proposed area is outside the fishing zone ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS 18001
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE INCURRED ON ENVIRONMENT IMPROVEMENT MEASURES Tree PlantationRs 3.57 Cr STP (10 MLD)Rs 4.16 Cr Dust suppression equipmentRs 7.40 Cr TotalRs Cr STP augmentation proposedRs 8.90 Cr Grand totalRs Cr ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS 18001
RECURRING EXPENDITURE ON ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Sand by passing6.00 Dust suppression system for coal0.50 cleaning & maintenance of drains discharging into port (Yerrigedda, Gangulagedda, Bukkaveedhi drain & SL Canal) 0.50 Truck mounted dust suppression2.40 Continued plantation of saplings0.15 Maintenance of plants0.15 Maintenance of ambient air quality at 6 locations (AU, APCCB) 0.60 ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS (Rs. In crores)
RECURRING EXPENDITURE ON ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Maintenance of Harbour water quality0.10 Environment cell expenditure and environment 0.30 Maintenance of oil recovery craft ISO 9001, ISO & OHSAS (Rs. In crores) Annual expenditure on EMS is 5% of the total operating expenditure which considered as the best average
AIR QUALITY STANDARDS PollutantsTime weighted average Concentration in ambient air Industrial areas Residential rural & other areas Sensitive areas Sulphur dioxide SO 2 Annual average*80 µg/m 3 60 µg/m 3 15 µg/m 3 24 hours** 120 µg/m 3 80 µg/m 3 30 µg/m 3 Oxides of Nitrogen NOx Annual average* 80 µg/m 3 60 µg/m 3 15 µg/m 3 24 hours** 120 µg/m 3 80 µg/m 3 30 µg/m 3 Suspended particulate matter SPM Annual average* 360 µg/m µg/m 3 70 µg/m 3 24 hours** 500 µg/m µg/m µg/m 3 Respirable suspended particulate matter RSPM Annual average* 120 µg/m 3 60 µg/m 3 50 µg/m 3 24 hours** 150 µg/m µg/m 3 75 µg/m 3 Annual Arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year taken twice in a week 24 hourly at uniform interval. ** 24 hourly/8 hourly values should be met 98% of the time in a year. However, 2% of the time, it may exceed but not on two consecutive days.