Oral Composition Oral Composition Summary Reviewing Part II Reviewing Part II Fast-reading & Questions Fast-reading & Questions.


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Presentation transcript:

Oral Composition Oral Composition Summary Reviewing Part II Reviewing Part II Fast-reading & Questions Fast-reading & Questions

4 2 Oral Composition Topic :The Person I Respect Is____

4 2 Review : Achievements of Charlie Chaplin In the time of silent movies The huge success: ___________ The Tramp In the time of sound movies The success: e.g. ______________ Modern Times Secrets of great success Why? __________________________ __________________________ ______ immensely talented man; the urge to explore and extend his talent Text Study—Understanding

4 2 Special features of The Tramp: Critics towards The Tramp: famous comic beggar: sport tiny … To many English people — too crude; didn’t all that English; not how the English behaved 1. The Tramp Text Study—Understanding

4 2 Specialties about his singing: Language: __________ Nonsense Effect of his singing: To Chaplin:_______________________ _________ Help to bring about his huge success 2. Modern Times Text Study—Understanding

4 2 Secrets of great success: Immensely talented man; The urge to explore and extend his talent Text Study—Understanding

Gold Rush Boots were boiled and their soles eaten with salt and pepper like prime cuts of fish (the nails being removed like fish bones). Text Study—Understanding

4 2 Gold Rush

4 2 Lead-in Discussion : Topic 1:What kind of life do you want to lead in the future? Topic2 :What is standard of your ideal husband or wife?

4 2 Fast-reading & Questions Q1:What was Charlie Chaplin’s attitude about his emotional life? Q2:Could you talk about his wife?

4 2 Part III. Emotional Life Chaplin’s emotional collision: need to be loved & fear of being betrayed Personal disaster; The collision found its way into his comic creations. Text Study—Understanding

4 2 City Lights Chaplin’s need to be loved.

4 2 Chaplin’s fear of being betrayed can be found in this film in which Chaplin acted as a wife killer. Monsieur Verdoux Text Study—Understanding

4 2 Monsieur Verdoux

4 2 Glossary Glossary Word Using Word Using

4 2. find one’s way to arrive or get somewhere after some time Rivers find their way into the sea. 据说多媒体将很快进入家用市场。 条条江河通大海。 It’s said that multimedia will soon find its way into the home market. Words and Expressions—Word UsingTranslation Key

4 2 lose faith in #lose one’s trust or confidence in sb\sth We have lost faith in him

4 2 Stable happiness in his later years; Oona O’Neil gave him the love he needed. Chaplin’s In love with Oona O’Neil Part III. Emotional Life (Para.8) Text Study—Understanding

4 2 Why is this marriage called the “stable happiness”? Because: There is a 37 years age difference between them. Oona’s stability and affection spanned this age difference. She was well-prepared for the battle. Text Study—Understanding

4 2 In Oona O’Neill Chaplin, he found a partner whose stability and affection spanned the 37 years age difference between them that had seemed so threatening, that when the official who was marrying them in 1942, turned to the beautiful girl of 17 who’d given notice of their wedding date and said, … Notes to the Text—Focus Study Structure Analysis of the Sentence

4 2 ① he found a partner ② whose stability … age difference between them ③ that had seemed so … that … ④ when the official … turned to the beautiful girl of 17 … and said,… ⑤ who was marrying them in 1942 ⑤ who’d given notice of their wedding date Notes to the Text—Focus Study

4 2 Translation 他找到了沃娜. 奥尼尔. 卓别林这个伴侣 。她的沉稳和深情跨越了他们之间 37 岁 的年龄差距。他们的年龄差别太大,以 致当 1942 年他们结婚时,新娘公布了 他们的结婚日期后,为他们办理手续的 官员问这位漂亮的 17 岁姑娘: “ 那个年 轻人在哪儿? ”

4 2 surround The house was surrounded by trees.

4 2 Part IV. Incident after Chaplin’s Death Time: ______________________ On Christmas Day The strange incident after his death: ____________________________ __________ His body was stolen and held for money. Text Study—Understanding

4 2 III. Summary Text Study—Summary Chaplin is a great comic not only for his own mother country but more for the world. Chaplin’s Tramp was considered a little _____ and thought that he had too much of an eye for the ladies and that his clothes gave him an __________ more like an Italian waiter than anything else. He resisted making a ______ movie until 1936 when he made up a _________ language which sounded like no known nationality. Chaplin achieved great success because he was an immensely _______ man and the kind of comic who used his _______ senses to invent his art as he went along. crude appearance talking nonsense talented physical (To be continued)

4 2 Text Study—Summary However, the _______ between the need to be loved and the fear of being _______ resulted in disaster in his ________ life which was shown in his movies. Eventually, life gave Chaplin the stable _________, that is, his marriage with Oona O’Neil. Chaplin died on _________ Day collision betrayed happiness emotional Christmas

4 2 I. Structured Writing A General Statement Supported by Details A general statement (G.S.) Detail 1 Detail 2Detail 3 Structured Writing Sample

4 2 Structured Writing 1. A Sample Lifeless objects especially helped Chaplin make “contact” with himself as an artist. He turned them into other kinds of objects. Thus, a broken alarm clock in the movie The Pawnbroker became a “sick” patient undergoing surgery; boots were boiled in his film The Gold Rush and their soles eaten with salt and pepper like prime cuts of fish (the nails being 45 removed like fish bones). G.S. D1 D2

4 2 II. Practical Writing Graduation Certificate ( 毕业证书 ) Features: 1.With the signature of the president of the university; Begins with “I hereby certify that…” Practical Writing

With the words: “ 成绩合格 ”, “ 修业期满 ”, “ 准予毕业 ” “ 成绩合格 ” pass all the examinations fulfill all the requirements prescribed by the Department “ 修业期满 ” Complete the four years’ courses “ 准予毕业 ” was allowed to graduate graduated from the university Practical Writing

4 2 Sample 1 毕业证书 学生 赵虎君,性别 男,上海市人,一九八五年 五月二日生,二零零四年九月至二零零八年七月 在本校计算机科学工程系计算机及应用专业肆年 制本科就读,修业期满,成绩合格,准予毕业。 上海交通大学 校 长 ( 签名 ) 学校印 章 Practical Writing

4 2 GRADUATION CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that Zhao Hujun, male, born on May 2, 1985, was a student of the computer application major of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and, having completed the four years’ courses from September 2004 to July 2008 and fulfilled all the requirements prescribed by the Department, graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in July (Signature) President Shanghai Jiao Tong University STAMP Sample 1 Practical Writing

4 2 毕业证书 学生陈松系浙江省宁 波市人,现年二十四 岁,于二零零四年九 月入本校外国语言文 学系英语专业,学习 四年,按教学计划完 成全部学业,成绩合 格,准予毕业。 第 0364 号 北京师范大学 校长 ( 签名 ) 二零零八年七月一日 Sample 2 照片 公章 Practical Writing

4 2 Sample 2 Graduation Certificate I hereby certify that Chen Song, aged 24, a student from Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, who was admitted to the English Program of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, 2004, has completed the four years’ courses and, having satisfied all the requirements set by the syllabus, graduated from Beijing Normal University. NO.0364 Beijing Normal University (signature) Chancellor Date: July 1, 2008 照片 stamp Practical Writing

4 2 Write a graduation certificate for yourself in English. Practical Writing Your Task

4 2 To Section B The End of Section A