The HTTP is a standard that all Web browsers and Web servers must speak in order for the Web portion of the Internet to work.
Apache is designed to install on a myriad of operating systems, including Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Therefore, it has a generic directory structure. Fedora has modified this structure to better fit Linux standards. All changes are made in the Apache configuration file.
Edit a configuration file to change the behavior of software and using the pound sign to “comment out” a line.
Apache is efficient in handling static content and dynamic content generated by CGI scripts and written in languages such as bash and PERL. If you need Java servlet capability, take a look at Apache Tomcat at
The Apache Software Foundation is the organization and community behind the Apache Web server and many other great server software packages. Find links to all Apache projects at
Customized Error Documents for Apache Web Server Static content also includes error messages. –For example, if a user attempts to connect to a document that does not exist the error code 404 will be displayed. –A list of error types can be found in RFC 2616 ( –The ErrorDocument directive in httpd.conf can be configured to customize error responses so a user-friendly response can be configured. The httpd.conf file can be changed to point 404 errors to /missing.html.