European Internet Search Catalogue of ex situ PGR accessions
EURISCO Uploading mechanism Principles Framework Data format Responsibilities Mechanism Protocols Import file data format / technology Uploading web site EURISCO demo version
Principles (Framework) National Level Data processing Data packaging Data sources Central Level Data importingData checking Data access
Principles (Data format) Data from National Inventory are uploaded to EURISCO in a fixed format to allow automation to allow validation Descriptor list is only for uploading National Inventory descriptors can be different Scripts for conversion can be necessary The EURISCO descriptor list is an extension of the FAO/IPGRI Multi Crop Passport Descriptor List (MCPD) version 2 (December 2001) the MCPD list v2 is used without changes but with six additions Download the MCPD:
Mechanism (Responsibilities) 1.Responsible of data sources & merges 2.Ensure data quality & accuracy 3.Decide on data availability 4.Commit to provide data in the EURISCO-MCPD data format National 1.Responsible of data checking of NI 2.Provide feedback to National Partners 3.Import NI data in EURISCO 4.Develop and maintain front end Central
Protocols (Data flow) First line contains the MCPD columns descriptors. no order restrictions but has to follow the exact name of the descriptors (I.e. INSTCODE) ASCII Tab delimited format Next lines contains the respective MCPD descriptors for each accession submitted. Essential fields required for each line: NICODE= NI identifier = ISO code = From ? INSTCODE= INST identifier = Who ? ACCENUMB= ACC identifier = What ? GENUS= Taxa identifier = Of ? National Inventory data file…
Protocols (Import file data format) TAB delimited text file (for the time being) TAB=ASCII(9) as field separator One accession = one line Line Break=ASCII(10) or ASCII(10)+ASCII(13) as line separator Descr1 -> Descr2 -> Descr3 -> Descr4 …. ->DescrX Data1 -> Data2 -> Data3 -> Data4 …. ->DataX
Protocols (Data flows) FTP ODBC XML Text file NowShort-Medium term
Protocols (tools and technology) Database software: MySQL ( Scripting language: PHP ( Web server: Apache ( The objective is to develop EURISCO central node with free software. EURISCO should be able to run on most OS (Linux, Windows, Mac…) All developments including codes are freely accessible.
Protocols (Preliminary checks) Data format (for the time being tab delimited) Essential descriptors NICODE INSTCODE GENUS ACCENUMB Line per Line checking Uploading report generated Data provider contacted for approval….
Protocols (Line checks) Line per Line checking Required Descriptors Descriptors coded Sample status Collecting source With INSTCODE (BREDCODE…) Descriptors semi-coded Dates Coordinates Descriptors un-coded Taxonomy... Essential !!! Detailed checking Basic checking No real checking (for the time being)
Uploading web site
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EURISCO web site DEMO Demo site:
Demo site