Progress Report Alterra ELPEN Group June – September 2000
Conference in Ireland 17 – 20 june 1) Berien and Erling presented a paper on Eric Bignal’s classification applied to Dutch and Danish dairy systems 2) There was a workgroup discussion to assess feasibility and desirability of environmental typology Conclusion: The classification is useful for broad classification and understandable both in terms of environmental impact and in agricultural practice 3)Overall conclusion: The CEAS/EFNCP can be applied to the Netherlands/Denmark but needs adjustment and refinement and it needs to involve regional variations Progress Report Alterra ELPEN Group (1)
Workshop Agri-environment and ELPEN in Spain 13 – 15 july 2000 Day 1: Agri-environment schemes in Europe (13 papers) Day 2: ELPEN workshop on land dependent livestock systems in Europe and their location Paper sessions on livestock in EU countries (every participant prepared paper on livestock in their own country according to fixed format) Exercise to locate dairy systems on map of Europe Main decision: production of an ELPEN report (also a Spanish version) containing: Overall conclusions of joint workshops Papers presented during agri-environment workshop EU Typology of dairy systems (Eric Bignal) Application of EU dairy typology on Denmark (Erling Andersen) Application of EU dairy typology on the Netherlands (Berien Elbersen) Dairy systems in the EU (Erling) Location of different dairy systems in EU (Alterra group) Progress Report Alterra ELPEN Group (2)
Livestock typologies Examined different approaches, but still no clear picture. Produce an international publication on dairy typology We should discuss the possibility to work together with Eric Bignal and Forum for Nature Conservation Locating livestock systems Allocation procedure (see document: Locating livestock systems, discussion this afternoon) Visits to experts to discuss this procedure: FR, DK, BE, UK One of the conclusions: contact INRA (FR), they proposed a similar approach Try-out of procedure for the Dutch dairy systems (results this afternoon) Progress Report Alterra ELPEN Group (3)
Building the system Definition of functional and technical architecture (GSE & Yuse Object Vison) Definition of database structure for the statistical data (Frans Godeschalk) Formulation of system requirements for the first year (Alterra management group) Visit to GIS-AGRI (Geographic Information Service of DG Agriculture) GIS-AGRI is the link between GISCO and DG Agriculture Main conclusions: GIS-AGRI expects tools and data from ELPEN group GIS-AGRI has doubts on the feasibility of installing an ELPEN end user system Proposes to contact GISCO, the central GIS department of Eurostat to set up a working relation with them Progress Report Alterra ELPEN Group (4)