Midterm presentation Rural ICT development in Tanzania
Contents oOverall objective of the ICTanzania project oIntroducing Tanzania oDeliverables and progress: o Long term programme o VoIP demo oQuestions and answers
ICTanzania Project oOverall Objective To address issues of ICT accessibility/penetration and affordability to rural areas and formulate phase based strategies for Public sector to create friendly environment by formulating policy to promote ICT and build National ICT infrastructure backbone. Private sector to exploit the infrastructure to offer broad spectrum of ICT services to rural areas oProject Organization o Team o Steering Committee
Introduction oTanzania o Located in East Africa o Unification of Zanzibar Island and Tanganyika mainland o Population of 35 Millions o 80 % lives in rural areas o 50% lives below poverty line
Introduction continued oTanzania ICT initiatives o Formulation of ICT Policy 2003 o Introduce free market practice in ICT field o Integrate ICT as an instrument in National Poverty Reduction Policy o Number of projects going on in Health sector Educational sector Governance etc
oExisting Networks and ICT operators o TTCL has about 30 POPs in 15 regions o 4 GSM operators o 23 Internet service providers o All these operators cover mainly urban areas o The rural areas lack: communications infrastructure sustainable business models for provision of access networks Introduction continued
First Deliverable: Long Term Programme oA document that contains approaches and strategies to enable ICT accessibility to majority of rural Tanzania by o Identifying current and future ICT users and their needs o Investigating existing and emerging technical solutions o Finding suitable business models for provision of rural ICT o Describing the role of the private and public sectors, as well as donors and other potential financiers o Defining projects that could help enable rural ICT
Long Term Programme
Second Deliverable: VoIP Demo oVoice service is: o Mandatory part of social networks o Underserved in rural areas oVoIP is matured enough oAdditional reason for IP broadband! oNew service model for SMBs oVoice monopoly ended 25 days ago!
Technical solution
Technical solution cont…. oThree SIP switched networks o COSTECH o DIT o JUASUN oCommercial gateway oAsterisk gateway oGSM VoIP gateway oTerminals targeting different user groups
Tanzania VoIP coverage
Workshops oWorkshop for tech-users o Middle of April o VoIP technology o End-Phone usage oWorkshop for executives and policy makers o May the 6th o VoIP impact/benefit for ICT o Policy and regulation issues
Project status oRequirement study – Done! oTechnology study – Done! oSolution design – Done! oProcurement – In Progress, orders placed! oSystem setup – middle of April oEnd-Terminal setup – second part of April oShowtime! – May the 6th
Questions and Answers
The End Thanks for your attention !!! For more information please visit our web at