Verbals A.The infinintive He plans to return. John is the man to see. Functions of the Infinitive 1. As a a substantive Subject- Linking Verb- adjective complement (Infinitive) To Fail is painful.
Subject- Verb- Object (Infinitive) He wants to come. Mod- Subject- Linking Verb- substantive complement His ambition was to fight the enemy. 2. As adjective Subject- Verb- Object- Mod (Infinitive) He has money to spend.
3. As adverb Subject- Verb- Mod (Infinitive) He plays to win. Subject- Linking Verb- adjective complement-Mod (Infin) Sarah will be able to come. Subject- LV- Mod- adjective complement-Mod (Infin) The boy was too nervous to talk.
Subject- LV- adjective complement-Mod- Mod (Infin) He looks old enough to enlist. Infinitive and Tense -The present tense an action occurring at the same time as action by main verb: She is walking to exercise. -The present tense an action occurring at future with reference to action of main verb: He wants to relax.
The present perfect an action occurring prior to the action of main verb: I felt happy to have been chosen. Infinitive without To I shall come. They do study. She must learn.
B. Participle The girl had a broken finger. The team, having won, celebrated. - Forms of the participle -Functions of the participle Mod-S-V-O The broken finger hurts me. S-V- Mod- O We heard a crying baby.
The participle and Tense -The present tense an action occurring at the same time as action by main verb: Trembling, I approached the haunted house. - The present perfect an action occurring prior to the action of main verb: Having resigned, the manger left town.
C.The Gerund Walking is healthy. He hates swimming. Forms (page 50) Functions 1.S - LV - adj compl (Gerund) Reading is fun. 2.S - V - O (Gerund) The Children dislike working.
3.Mod- S- LV- Substantive comp. (Gerund) Her hobby is writing. The gerund functions as a substantive but the participle as an adjective modifying a noun: The winning car passed the finishing line. (part.) Winning is good. (G) Having failed, he tried again. (part.) Having failed didn’t discourage him. (G)
Compounds So far, we studied the following: Function Sentence ElementsParts of Speech Substantive (1. S, O, substan. Comp.) (Nouns,pronouns) Verb VerbVerb Modifier (adj comp., modifiers of adj, adverb noun, verb, adj, adverb, sentence) We have shown that these elements consist of one word. We may have more than one word joined together (compound).
1.Compound subject The salesman and the customer were talking. 2.Compound object He enjoys reading, swimming, and jogging. 3.Compound verb I bought and read the book. 5.Compound adjective The building was old but attractive. 6.Compound modifier of substantive He gave a long and tiresome speech. 7.Compound modifier of verb The man swam smoothly and quickly.
Words not connected by a conjunction: 1.If the units are not connected by a conjunction, commas are used. Pattern:………,……… The queen was tall, old. 2.If only the last two units are joined by a conjunction, commas are used to separate the units. Pattern:………,………,and…… We consulted the mayor, the judge, and the policeman. 3.If all the units are joined by a conj., no commas are used Pattern: :………,and………,and…… The boys shouted and screamed and cried.
4. If the units are not connected by a conjunction, commas are used. Pattern:………,………,…… They whistled, sang, played. Note- these punctuation rules apply to but, or, and.
Conjunctions: 1.If singular units are joined by or, the verb is singular: The president or the secretary presents the awards. 2.If units are plural, the verb is plural: The fans or the officials were mistaken. 3.If the units are singular and plural, the verb agrees with the nearer unit: My uncles or my cousin is coming. But S-Compound verb (V but V) The police shot but missed.
- Mod-S-LV-Compound adj comp (adj but adj) This car is expensive but good. Mod-S-LV-Compound adj comp (both adj and adj) Ali was both young and smart. - Compound S – V (either N or N) Either the engine or the brake failed. - Compound S - LV - adj comp (neither N or N) Neither the student nor the teacher is available.
S - LV - Compound adj comp (not only adj but also adj) The student was not only careless but also lazy. 1.Units of a compound sub joined by both use a plural verb: Both the book and the pen are ok. 2.When the compound sub joined by either…or, neither..nor, not..but, not only..but also the verb agrees with the nearer unit in person and number: Neither he nor I am playing golf. -compound elements should be similar in form and function: I like hunting and to fish. I like hunting and fishing=I like to hunt and to fish. Possible compounds: (N+N), (pro+pro), (N+pro), (N+pro), (V+V), (adv+adv), (inf+inf), (part+part), (adj+adj), (G+G), (N+G)