第二組 C203-21- 李姿嫻. 自我介紹 我的名子叫做李姿嫻, 今年十七歲. 出生於 1995 年 7 月 19 號. 巨蟹座, 身高只有 158 公分. 就讀台南市私立德光中學. 综高二年級應外學程. 關於我


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Presentation transcript:

第二組 C 李姿嫻

自我介紹 我的名子叫做李姿嫻, 今年十七歲. 出生於 1995 年 7 月 19 號. 巨蟹座, 身高只有 158 公分. 就讀台南市私立德光中學. 综高二年級應外學程. 關於我 a &type=3# !/profile.php?id=

Lin Mo Niang Park Lin Mo Niang Park is terrain Gaokuang, sunset and night, has become a new tourist attractions in Tainan City, will be coordinated with the Anping Harbor National Historical Park the construction of the Harbor Park, including the landscaping works of the wood plank road, water features and toilets, I believe that the overall projectUpon completion, the Lin Mo Niang Park will become an international-class tourist attraction, and to provide citizens with a quality and comfortable leisure space.

Tree House Anping Tree House without remediation before called a haunted house, but in fact the Anping Tree House is a historical background of the buildings. Anping Tree House was originally a warehouse of Tait, the present appearance after the Japanese built, red brick, wooden architecture, and the lintel of granite and other building elements through Zeelandia, suggesting that the creation time at the end of the 19th century the Japanese occupation era between.

自行車道 Along the canal bike Road Anping, Anping District, Tainan City, cycling road line from the "Moon Bridge, along the the Anping canal all the way to enjoy the riverside scenery forward to safety billion bridge cycling road lines into two, go right can beto explore the monuments cuisine, go left and you can enjoy the natural scenery. Tainan area, can be assembled at all levels of the sites, natural ecology, specialty snacks, history, culture and other diverse and rich connotation tourist resort, want time Wanbian Anping, the best way is to use the bicycle, that is, health and environmental protection while a rewarding experience.