Luke 11:1 “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished one of his disciples said: “Lord, teach us to pray…” March 2011 “Lift Up My Hands”


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Presentation transcript:

Luke 11:1 “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished one of his disciples said: “Lord, teach us to pray…” March 2011 “Lift Up My Hands” Each other's sicknesses/sins (James 5:16) ‏ Each other in general (Eph 6:18) ‏ Those who mistreat you (Lk 6:28) ‏ Children (Matt 19:13) ‏ Leaders (1Thess 5:25) ‏ To seek God's face (2 Chr 7:14) ‏ Not to be tempted (Lk 22:40) ‏ Unity (Jn 17:20) ‏ Enlightenment of the heart (Eph 1:18) ‏ Strength through the Spirit (Eph 3:16) ‏ All kinds of prayers! (Eph 6:18) ‏ Boldness (Acts 4) ‏ Activity in sharing our faith (Philemon1:6) ‏ If in trouble (Jas 5:13) ‏ All those in authority (1Tim 2:1-4) ‏ Lift up holy hands (Ps 141:2, 1Tim 2:8) ‏ Pray against deeds of evildoers (Ps 141:5) ‏ God's mercy (Ps 143:1) ‏ Praise (Psalms) ‏ While fasting (Dan 9:3) ‏ Requests w/o anxiety (Phil 4:6) ‏ God to glorify himself (1K18:36) ‏ Spiritual vision (2K6:17) ‏ On your knees 3x today (Dan6:10) ‏ Confess your sin (Ps 51) ‏ Alone (Lk 5:16) ‏ Looking toward heaven (Jn 17:1) ‏ About a serious decision (Acts 1:24) ‏ Workers to preach the Word! (Lk 10:2) ‏ Evangelistic Goal: (if married by couple) ________ Prayer List: (Things in your character) 1._______________ 2._______________ (Family) 1._______________ 2._______________ 3._______________ 4._______________ 5._______________ (Family Group/Ministry) 1._______________ 2._______________ 3._______________ (People You Are Reaching Out to) 1._______________ 2._______________ 3._______________ 4._______________ 5._______________

“Lift Up My Hands” Monthly Reading: Study out Psalms. Read one Psalm a day and study it out. Start with chapter 1. The goal is to learn how to better pray. Thursday Prayer Challenge: Pray about what you learned during the midweek lesson. Family Prayer & Devo.: Spend time praying as a family and do the family devotional for that week. All devotionals will be passed out on midweek. You can also find them on Friday Challenge: This is meant to push us to take it higher this month. Prayer Walk: Go out for a prayer walk with your spouse or with someone in your Family Group. BYND: “Bring Your Neighbor Day” Special Service SunMonTuesWedThursFriSat Midweek Lesson: “For the fellowship” Family Prayer & Devo Sunday Worship Service. “Perserving in Prayer” Encourage someone in your family group Family Prayer & Devo Sunday BYND Service. “Cast Your Anxieties on Him” Invite someone intimidating to church. Midweek Lesson: “Praying for Boldness” Family Prayer & Devo Sunday Worship Service. “Lord, Teach Us To Pray” Share an answered prayer with someone. Midweek Lesson: “Give Thanks to the Lord” Family Prayer & Devo Sunday Worship Service. “The Prayer of a Righteous Man is powerful” Fast 6am - 6pm Prayer Campaign Kick-Off Thursday Prayer Challenge Thursday Prayer Challenge Thursday Prayer Challenge Fill out the Prayer List Section Thursday Prayer Challenge Midweek Lesson: “Love your neighbor as yourself” Prayer Walk March 2011