Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Click on Find Pals
Step 3: Select a child maybe the same age as your class (Please check website a few days/weekend before as the child may have passed away) Step 4: Use the data like illness information, child’s interests etc to formulate a couple of PP slides to present to youf class
Step 5: Maybe print a crib sheet or your PowerPoint slides for the children to take home. Homework is to write a letter, card etc to the ill child with messages of hope, don’t dwell too much on their illness rather inspiration. These messages can be Sikhi related e.g telling the kids you might say a prayer for them. Students to write their names on the cards/letters/gifts as families do like to write back. Children can also purchase a smile gift like a pencil case, toy etc if they wish. Next week students can read their letters out if they wish. Teachers to put letters in brown envelope with the child’s name and Bally will read and post.