Round 1: Intro Exchange with someone in your group Read the Introduction of the paper in front of you & answer the following question on the separate paper – Was the title intriguing? If so, write a compliment to the writer. If not, suggest a new title. – Read the first line of the essay. Does it HOOK you? If not, write “NO HOOK” and suggest a way to begin. If it did, give the writer a compliment.
Round 2: Ethical Claim Read the first paragraph (you may have to read the second paragraph as well) Can you locate the ethical thesis? If you can, underline it. If you cannot, write on the separate piece of paper “Cannot find thesis” A strong ethical thesis will be clear, debatable, and present an outline for the rest of the essay. Comment on the strength of the thesis on the separate sheet of paper.
Round 3: Ethical Framework Read the entire essay Put a star next to any mention of an ethical framework being utilized in the essay (Rights approach, Fairness/Justice, Common Good, Utilitarian, Virtue) When you get your essay back, if you do not see any stars, this is a problem. You must identify an ethical framework to aid your argument.
Round 4: Persuasion Read the entire essay Each time you feel persuaded by PATHOS, write pathos next to that place in the essay Each time you feel persuaded by ETHOS, write ethos next to that place in the essay Each time you feel persuaded by LOGOS, write logos next to that place in the essay When you get your essay back, make sure you see a balance of appeals.
Round 5:Counterargument/Rebuttal Read the entire essay Look for the counterargument/rebuttal On the separate piece of paper, comment on the strength/weakness of the rebuttal Keep in mind that a strong rebuttal should not be disrespectful but rather logically present an opposing viewpoint and explain why his/her argument makes more sense than the other viewpoints.
Round 6: Fallacies Write the word FALLACY beside any point in the essay where you think the writer could be making a fallacy. – Examples: Hasty Generalization Post Hoc (first event caused second event) Slippery Slope (dramatization of future chain of events) Straw Man (false caricature of a person or group) Red Herring (diverts readers attention away from issue) Appeal to Ignorance, Pity, or Popularity
Round 7: Grammar/Mechanics/Proofreading On the separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions: – Are there any recurrent grammatical issues? If so, try to explain if you are aware of the mistakes. Even if you cannot articulate a certain grammar rule, telling someone they should look over the grammar can be helpful. If not, comment on the strength of the grammar. – Does it appear that the writer has proofread the essay? If not, tell them. If so, compliment them.
Round 8: In Text Citations Look over the entire essay Answer the following questions on the separate paper: – Does the writer use in text citations when paraphrasing? Let him/her know. – Does the writer use in text citations when quoting? Let him/her know. Note: you should use in text citations WHENEVER information does not come directly from you. Therefore, you will have a lot of in text citations since this is a researched essay.
Round 9: Works Cited Page Let the writer know on the separate piece of paper if the following are missing or incorrect. The Works Cited Page should be on separate piece of paper It should be called “References” if using APA It should be called “Works Cited” if using MLA The sources should be listed in alphabetical order according to the authors last name
Round 10: Format Let the writer know if the following are missing: – Name, Instructor Name, Class Name, Date – Last Name with Page # on upper Right – Font in Times New Roman or Arial – Margin Size/Spacing Standard – Title, Centered