COVENANT GUIDELINES Try ON - allow yourself to be creative and open to new learning. Suspend your judgment for a moment and look at something from a different perspective. It is OKAY to DISAGREE - it is NOT okay to shame, blame or attack yourself or others. Practice SELF-FOCUS - this means use “I” statements when speaking about what you think, feel or believe. PRACTICE “Both/And” Thinking - When we practice “both/and” thinking, we substitute the word and for the words but and however. The word and lets the other person know they were heard and respected and what they said has NOT been cancelled out of the conversation. Be aware of INTENT and IMPACT - THINK before you speak and examine what you are about to say before you say. Will it hurt or help the other person? Be aware of CONTENT and PROCESS – Content is what we say and Process is how we say it. Maintaining CONFIDENTIALITY - Tell your own story.
OUR GOALS FOR TODAY Present a BASIC PROCESS or MODEL for becoming a PRAYER WARRIOR Raise your AWARENESS of SPIRITUAL WARFARE Present a WORKING UNDERSTANDING of PRAYING STIMULATE a renewed interest in the POWER of PRAYER You TAKE-AWAY at least ONE NUGGET of KNOWLEDGE for your personal growth in praying
SPIRITUAL WARFARE The purpose of “Prayer Warrior’s” training is to provide believers in Christ with a basic knowledge of what spiritual warfare means, spiritual weapons in their arsenal and how to use “The POWER of PRAYER” on this spiritual journey. Most Christians are AWOL (absent without leave) in this present spiritual warfare. We must report to duty to the captain of the Lord's hosts, our supreme Commander-in- Chief. Becoming a “Prayer Warrior” takes discipline, dedication, desire and determination to learn all that you can about spiritual warfare and how to pray with spiritual authority against the DEVIL, his DEMONS and DEMONIC darkness.
LORD TEACH ME HOW TO PRAY [Take the survey…]
WHY PRAY? It is the PURPOSE of Jesus To FOLLOW the EXAMPLE of Jesus To OBEY the COMMAND of Jesus Only thing the Disciples asked Jesus to TEACH them. To OBEY the COMMAND of God
WHO CAN PRAY? Those with a clean HEART Those with clean HANDS Those who FORGIVE Those who come in FAITH Those who are HUMBLE
WHEN TO PRAY? Early in the MORNING THREE times a day EVERY day ALWAYS pray Be ALWAYS on the WATCH Evening, Morning and Noon
PRAYING IN THE RIGHT NAMES OF GOD Jehovah-JIREH: The Lord will provide. Jehovah-ROPHE: The Lord who heals. Jehovah-NISSI: The Lord our banner. Jehovah-M’KADDESH: The Lord who sanctifies. Jehovah-SHALOM: The Lord our peace.
A.C.T.S. – A BASIC STRATEGY FOR PRAYING ADORATION - Begin with praise and worship. CONFESSION - After reflecting on how awesome God really is, be sure that all your sins are confessed. THANKSGIVING - Thank God for specific things, because He is in control of the smallest details. SUPPLICATION - Humbly ask God to meet the needs of others and then your own.
HOW TO PRAY SEVEN DAYS A WEEK On SUNDAY, pray for your CHURCH. On MONDAY, pray for your FAMILY. On TUESDAY, pray for your FRIENDS. On WEDNESDAY, pray for the LEADERS. On THURSDAY, this is a day of PRAISE. On FRIDAY, pray for the known LOST. On SATURDAY, pray for any SPECIAL NEEDS.
TEN KOMMON PRAYER KILLERS 1.Un-confessed Sins 2.Lack Faith 3.Disobedience 4.Lack of Open-ness 5.Unforgiveness 6.Wrong Motives 7.Idols in our Lives 8.Disregard for Others 9.Disregard for God’s Sovereignty 10.Unsurrendered Will
PRAYING FOR YOUR PASTOR 1.Pray for your Pastor’s PERSONAL Life. 2.Pray for your Pastor’s FAMILY Life. 3.Pray for your Pastor’s SPIRITUAL Life. 4.Pray for your Pastor’s CONGREGATIONAL Life.
PRAYING ON THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD Helmet of Salvation Breastplate of Righteousness Belt of Truth Shoes of Preparation of the Gospel of Peace Shield of Faith Sword of the Faith, the Word of God. Cloak of Zeal
FASTING: A SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE What is a fast? Biblical fasting is the restriction of food for spiritual reasons. What is the connection between prayer and fasting? Fasting is not a diet; it is a discipline that enables one to focus his or her prayers toward God. What is the "Wesleyan Pattern for Prayer and Fasting? Each Thursday evening, after the evening meal, until mid-afternoon on each Friday, John Wesley would enter into fasting and praying. During this time he did not take solid food but fasted and focused much of his time in prayer.
PRAYING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION Praise in the direction of the SAVIOR. Pray in the direction of the SAINTS. Pray in the direction of SATAN. Pray in the direction of SINNERS. Pray in the direction of the FATHER, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT!
HOSTING A QUARTERLY PRAYER BREAKFAST As PRAYER WARRIORS, we will need the ongoing encouragement and fellowship of coming together on a regular basis. A quarterly prayer breakfast is a good source of nourishment for fellowship, support and prayer. This time apart will help you to strengthen your bonds with other prayer warriors and will motivate you to continue the battle of spiritual warfare.