Student-Athlete & Parent Eligibility Meeting
Maintain a 2.0 Semester GPA Pass 75% of courses each Semester Meet local promotion standards Enrolled in at least 2 periods/day Academics Be present 85% of semester Absent <13 days Be in attendance for ½ school day to participate in practices or games Attendance Currently live in Hopewell School District Currently live with Legal Parent/Guardian Provide 1 proof of residency from each category listed on the Eligibility Certification Form Residency
CMS ELIGIBILITY 2.0 Semester GPA Requirement (All courses) Pass at least 75% of all courses each semester Meet local promotion standards NOTE – Incoming 9 th graders are eligible for 1 st semester sports regardless of GPA and pass count. They must meet all requirements for 2 nd semester teams, including winter sports. NCAA ELIGIBILITY Earn a 2.3 CORE GPA cumulative Pass at least 16 core courses during HS (10 must be completed prior to Senior Year) Meet sliding scale on standardized entrance test (Ex.: 850 on SAT = 2.5 Core GPA)
Participation Fee $100 per participant/season Fee Waiver – only if you have FREE Lunch (NEW!) ▪ Must Call Child Nutrition Services to have letter sent to house – will NOT send to school Pay online (debit/credit) –24/7 or Main Office to Financial Secretary (cash/money order) Tues. –Thurs. 7a – 12 noon Deadline: Day prior to 1 st event
Physical Headache Fuzzy/Blurry Vision Nausea/Vomiting Dizziness/Balance Problems Thinking/Remembering Difficulty thinking clearly Taking longer to figure things out Difficulty concentrating Difficulty remembering information Emotional/Mood Irritability Sadness Being more moody Nervous/Worried Sleep Sleeping more than usual Sleeping less than usual Trouble falling asleep Feeling tired Symptoms
STOP ALL Physical Activity Tell Coach Athletic Trainer Parent Follow-Up Care ImPACT Test MD Clearance RTP Progression (5-7 days after symptom- free)
FACTS It is a “Staph” infection MRSA is resistant to many of the traditional “Staph” antibiotics Typically presents with an abscess May or may not have surrounding cellulitis Athlete may or may not have risk factors for infection HOW DO I GET IT? Touching someone’s MRSA- infected skin Touching surfaces that have MRSA on them, like doorknobs and light switches Sharing personal hygiene items (bar soap, towels, razors) Overusing antibiotics, stopping them early, or missing doses
Sports Pass— admission to ALL regular season home athletic events!!! Individual & Family Passes are available May also join Booster Club without purchasing a pass! Visit booth in lobby for more information!!! Volunteer Opportunities Concessions Spirit Wear Corporate Sponsorships/Fund- raising Community Involvement Meetings: 2 nd Monday (beg. 7pm in Media Center