Behavioristic Model of Personality Remember Watson and Skinner= behavior is shaped by rewards and punishment. Personality is simply a collection of learned behaviors. No recognition of “traits”. Behavior is influenced by circumstances- not thinking
Structure of Personality = habits(learned behavior) Drive=stimulus strong enough to move a person to action (hunger, pain, frustration) Cue= Signal from environment that guides response Response= Action (to bring about reward)
Cognitive-Behavioral Theory/Social Learning theory Albert BanduraSocial-Cognitive Theory We are not simply our conditioning. We develop through interaction with our environment This interaction- called reciprocal determinism helps develop our personality We “choose” our environments! Self-efficacy=the sense that we can control our environment.
Julian Rotter’s Locus of Control (a way of measuring/predicting the individuals success at setting and achieving goals) Internal Locus of Control= I am in control of my destiny Better grades Work harder More independent Take more risks Set more goals Less depression Crisis are frequently short-term External Locus of control=the environment/luck in in control Participate less Need more structure Don’t ask for help More dependent Crisis is pervasive
How do you think… Gender Race Age Religious faith Influence one’s feeling of control?
Personal Constructs= our individual view of good/bad, right/wrong, etc. These become our constructs for how we view the world George Kelly
Humanism Theory of Personality Abraham MaslowCarl Rogers