British Columbia Some great information about B.C!!!!
Size and population The capital city of B.C is Victoria, and the population Is 78,659!
Climate B.C gets mild damp winters and warm summers The daily temperature is 30 C!32,174
Natural Resources Wood, paper products, food and beverages petroleum, coal products, fruit and vegetables, Barley, oats, cattle, pigs, sheep, and tourism
Tourist Attractions Beacon Hill, Strait of Juan De Fuca, Olympic Mountain Range, Empress Hotel, Royal British Columbia Museum. Royal London Wax Museum Victoria Bug Zoo Craigdarroch Castle. Beacon Hill, Strait of Juan De Fuca, Olympic Mountain Range, Empress Hotel, Royal British Columbia Museum. Royal London Wax Museum Victoria Bug Zoo Craigdarroch Castle.
Sister cities Victoria has 4 sister cities! Victoria has 4 sister cities! Khabarovsk Suzhou, Morioka, and Napier. Khabarovsk Suzhou, Morioka, and Napier.
B.C’s Flower, Bird, tree, animal, and mineral Flower: pacific dogwood Bird: Steller's Jay Tree: Western Redceder Animal: Spirit Bear Mineral: Jade