South America Northern Tropics Andean Countries Southern Grasslands
Northern Tropics The Guianas The Guianas Guyana, Suriname and French GuianaGuyana, Suriname and French Guiana Share: rainforest, coastal plains Share: rainforest, coastal plains Differences: human characteristics Differences: human characteristics Language: Guyana-EnglishLanguage: Guyana-English Suriname-Dutch Suriname-Dutch French Guiana-French French Guiana-French
Northern Tropics Migration Effects Migration Effects Ethnic variationsEthnic variations Southeast Asia, Africa, European Southeast Asia, Africa, European Guyana 2 main groupsGuyana 2 main groups Asian decent ½ population Asian decent ½ population African ancestry 43% African ancestry 43% Suriname 50% Asian decent 30% Mulatto- African and other ancestry French Guyana similar to Guyana
Venezuela Leader: Hugo Chavez Elected 1998 Poorest nation in South America Avg $3,530/yr. 70% of population in poverty. Rich in natural resouces OIL OIL OIL 5 th largest exporter in the world Leader Chavez wants to nationalize oil anti U.S.-ties with Iran Socialist Government-ties with Cuba
Colombia Named for Christopher Columbus Economy: single (legal) cash crop--- COFFEE!!!! U.S. concerns: Drug Trade (cocaine) brings 2x as much money as coffee Large division between rich and poor leading to many civil wars
The Andean Countries Ecuador Peru Bolivia Chile Manchu Picchu-Peru Incan ruin Native Indian cultures make up 25-55% of populations Inca empire fell to Spanish in 1500’s
Andean Countries Economy: Vertical Trade- Trading up and down between villages. People at different elevation grow different crops. Lake Titicaca Tourism- The Uros Islands
Export Trade Santiago, Chile Peruvian hats Chilean fruits and wine
Southern Grasslands Paraguay Uruguay Argentina Argentina Beef Uruguay- few exports primarily-cattle grazing Must import most consumer goods Buenos Aires