FP7 - IA EUROLUMI Network Walter Scandale, Frank Zimmermann ESGARD-OMIA meeting CERN, 11.09.2007.


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Presentation transcript:

FP7 - IA EUROLUMI Network Walter Scandale, Frank Zimmermann ESGARD-OMIA meeting CERN,

what is EUROLUMI? = network supporting research activities in FP7, e.g. CNI on IR upgrade, IA JRAs on collimation, magnets, superconducting rf for SPL = building on the success of FP6 CARE-HHH = widely scaled-down version of earlier Design Study proposal EUROLUMI by F. Ruggiero and W. Scandale (requested 0.6 MEuros ~ only ~5% of the original DS budget!!) = European partner of US LHC Accelerator Research Program (US-LARP)

Name Event Date Name Event Date 3 EUROLUMI goals Coordinate and integrate the activities of the worldwide accelerator and particle physics communities, towards realizing the full potential of the LHC, including LHC luminosity upgrades and new/enhanced injectors; create synergies by supporting SIS upgrade and FAIR project  design choices for LHC upgrade, new injectors, & FAIR - LHC luminosity upgrade: optics, collimation, beam dynamics - LHC injector upgrade, SIS upgrade, FAIR: generation of high-quality hadron beams - R&D & experimental studies at existing colliders: RHIC, Tevatron, LHC, DAFNE - study & recommend technologies required for various design options (e.g., NbTi and Nb3Sn IR magnets, detector-embedded magnets, low-loss fast ramped magnets [nc & sc]) - sketch path for long-term LHC energy upgrade  coordinate activities and foster collaborations - integrate effort of major laboratories - integrate effort of small lab” and universities - maintain community capable of advancing technical realization & scientific exploitation  dissemination and outreach - sustain an information network; publish & document results - support summer students, technical students, PhD students and postdocs - set up or extend web pages and databases - discuss improvements for existing hadron beam facilities in Europe

Name Event Date Name Event Date 4 EUROLUMI work packages WP0: Network Administration and Management (NAM) WP1: Accelerator Magnet Developments (AMD) - keywords: stability; quench limit, and aperture of new LHC insertion magnets, magnets for PS2; pulsed magnets for a future SPS upgrade; detector-embedded magnets; high field magnet design; applications of high-temperature superconductors; handling thermal losses; magnet-measurement techniques (loss, field, etc.) WP2: Advanced Beam Collimation (ABC) - keywords: consumable collimators; material tests; crystal collimation; cleaning efficiency; impedance; intensity limits; diagnostics; automatic set-up procedures; beam feedbacks; machine protection; radiation issues; remote handling WP3: Accelerator and Collider Effort (ACE) - keywords: interaction-region design for LHC luminosity upgrade; beam dynamics for SPL, PS2, SPS, and LHC; space-charge, impedance and instability calculations; electron-cloud effects; beam measurements and collimation tests, beam-beam effects with large Piwinski angle; long-range beam-beam interaction; beam-beam compensation; crab cavities; crab waists; electron lenses; optimization of operating parameters; IR vacuum

Name Event Date Name Event Date 5 participating institutes participating institutesAMDABCACE CEA (France) x CERN (Europe) xxx Cockcroft Institute (UK) xxx CSIC-CIEMAT (Spain) xx DESY (Germany) x GSI (Germany) xxx INFN (Italy) xxx PSI (Switzerland) x RAL (UK) x TEU (Netherlands) x WUT (Poland) x associated institutes: CRPP, TUBE, ENEA, EPFL, FZK, TEMF, US-LARP (BNL, FNAL, LBNL, SLAC), JINR, IHEP, Kurchatov, KEK, Torino U., Plansee Company, Austrian RC, Alicante,U, Milano U, Texas A&M U., U. Geneva, U. Bologna, U. Sannio, John Adams Institute, ITER-JWS, ITER- ELE

Name Event Date Name Event Date 6 EUROLUMI main topics LHC phase-1 and phase-2 upgrades LHC phase-1 and phase-2 upgrades two phase-2 LHC upgrade paths (“early separation scheme” and “large Piwinski angle scheme”) two phase-2 LHC upgrade paths (“early separation scheme” and “large Piwinski angle scheme”) LHC injector upgrades + enhancements (SPL, PS2, SPS+); SIS upgrade, FAIR LHC injector upgrades + enhancements (SPL, PS2, SPS+); SIS upgrade, FAIR LHC intensity limits, LHC  * limits LHC intensity limits, LHC  * limits LHC + FAIR collimation and machine protection LHC + FAIR collimation and machine protection pertinent beam dynamics issues (intensity limitations, optics design, imperfections, magnet specifications and magnet development, rf needs, beam-beam effects and compensation, IR vacuum, crab cavities, crab waists, feedback upgrade, space- charge effects in injectors, advanced collimation,…) pertinent beam dynamics issues (intensity limitations, optics design, imperfections, magnet specifications and magnet development, rf needs, beam-beam effects and compensation, IR vacuum, crab cavities, crab waists, feedback upgrade, space- charge effects in injectors, advanced collimation,…) beam tests in SPS, RHIC, LHC, (PS, PS booster),… beam tests in SPS, RHIC, LHC, (PS, PS booster),…

Name Event Date Name Event Date 7 EUROLUMI deliverables annual large workshops in each work package continuing the very productive series in CARE-HHH with publication of proceedings annual large workshops in each work package continuing the very productive series in CARE-HHH with publication of proceedings topical mini-workshops similar to past HHH mini-workshops on crystal collimation, electron-cloud cures, etc. topical mini-workshops similar to past HHH mini-workshops on crystal collimation, electron-cloud cures, etc. attendance of, and contributions to, US-LARP events attendance of, and contributions to, US-LARP events participation in beam experiments, e.g. at SPS, RHIC, Tevatron, DAFNE, LHC, PS, PS booster,… participation in beam experiments, e.g. at SPS, RHIC, Tevatron, DAFNE, LHC, PS, PS booster,… support of visitors and of visits to partner institutes support of visitors and of visits to partner institutes training of summer students, support for technical students, PhD students and postdocs/fellows training of summer students, support for technical students, PhD students and postdocs/fellows dissemination of network results by journal publications and by seminars at partner institutes, conferences, and European universities, and via web documentation, e.g. web databases dissemination of network results by journal publications and by seminars at partner institutes, conferences, and European universities, and via web documentation, e.g. web databases

Name Event Date Name Event Date 8 EUROLUMI resources total resources from EU: 0.6 MEuros over 4 years (annual budget similar to CARE-HHH) total resources from EU: 0.6 MEuros over 4 years (annual budget similar to CARE-HHH) the splitting between partners is still subject of negotiation the splitting between partners is still subject of negotiation

Name Event Date Name Event Date 9 conclusions EUROLUMI will support many critical activities on hadron beams by a pan- European collaboration in an international context EUROLUMI will promote innovative magnet design, advanced collimation, and beam dynamics studies beyond the state-of-the-art EUROLUMI will allow reaching the full LHC potential and also help optimizing the design of FAIR EUROLUMI will be a high-return investment for Europe

Name Event Date Name Event Date 10 spare slides example topics for  injector upgrade  beam dynamics  collimation  beam tests

injector upgrade – examples LHC beam generation scheme for “long” flat p bunches with 50-ns spacing and 5e11 ppb alternative generation scheme for ultimate LHC beam electron cloud cures for PS and SPS intensity limits for SPS, PS(2), SPL, LHC, SIS+ and FAIR

beam dynamics – examples stability of intense long flat bunches loss of Landau damping w harmonic rf preservation of bunch flatness? beam-beam effect with large Piwinski angle few long-range close distance crab cavities flat beams & crab waist collisions collimator cleaning efficiency with off- momentum beta beating & possible remedies electron cloud in the LHC operation near integer or ½ integer

collimation – examples novel collimator materials and concepts design and performance studies for consumable collimators theoretical and simulation studies of crystal collimation collimation efficiency aperture vs. impedance intensity limits and constraints from collimation

beam tests - examples wire compensation tests (SPS, RHIC) effect of noise on emittance (SPS) large Piwinski angle (RHIC, LHC) wire compensation with colliding beams (RHIC, DAFNE, LHC) crystal collimation tests (SPS) consumable collimator tests (LHC) crab cavity development and tests (where?) e-cloud remedies (SPS, PS, RHIC, LHC) stability of flat intense bunches long-range collisions (SPS, RHIC, LHC)