1 Earth Science (Test/FBC #2) Review For each question 1. write down the category 2. write down your answer 3. check whether your answer was correct or not Study the categories you had the most trouble with tonight!
2 Category: Map Reading What is the name given to the imaginary circle halfway between the poles? Equator
3 Category: Weathering Give examples of mechanical weathering. Ice, wind, water, gravity, plants, animals
4 Category: Deformation What is folding? Rock layers bent and buckled by Earth’s internal forces
5 Category: Earthquakes What is the name given to waves created by an earthquake? Seismic waves
6 Category: Deformation What is compression? When stress squeezes an object
7 Category: Deformation What is the name given to a fold where both ends are horizontal? Monocline
8 Category: Deformation What is a normal fault? One in which the hanging wall falls relative to the footwall
9 Give an example of fault block mountains that we talked about. Category: Deformation Grand Tetons
10 Category: Plate tectonics Describe a transform boundary Boundary between tectonic plates that slide paste one another
11 Category: Earthquakes What are the two types of body waves called? P waves-primary waves S waves-secondary waves
12 Category: Earthquakes Where would you find both the focus and the epicenter when analyzing an earthquake? Focus-the point in Earth’s interior where an earthquake begins Epicenter-the point on Earth’s surface, directly above the earthquake’s starting point
13 Category: Deformation What kind of fault is created from convergent motion? Reverse Fault
14 Category: Volcanoes How is a shield volcano formed? Layers of lava from non-explosive eruptions
15 Category: Plate Tectonics What is the name given to the type of movement when one plate goes under another? Subduction
16 Category: Map Reading What is another name given to lines of longitude? Meridians
17 Category: Weathering Ice wedging occurs because water is unique in how it responds to freezing, what is that unique trait of water? It expands when it freezes before it contracts
18 In what type of climate would you find the slowest chemical weathering rates? Category: Weathering Cold, dry climates
19 Category: Deformation What is a break in the Earth’s crust called? A fault
20 Category: Deformation _____________ occurs when an object is stretched. Tension
21 Category: Deformation What word could be used to describe an anticline? Arch
22 Category: Deformation What is the name given to both normal and reverse faults? Dip-Slip faults
23 Category: Deformation Fill in the blanks: __________ collide, _________ divide, and __________ slide Convergent, divergent, transform
24 Category: Plate tectonics Where would you find the youngest crust in the Atlantic Ocean? Nearest the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
25 Category: Map Reading What directions from the prime meridian do lines of longitude describe? East/West
26 Category: Volcanoes What is another name for a composite volcano; created from alternating explosive eruptions and quiet lava flows? stratovolcano
27 Category: Weathering Give examples of types of precipitation that can contain acid. Snow, sleet, or rain
28 Category: Deformation What is the difference between a reverse fault and a thrust fault? In a reverse fault the hanging wall rises up relative to the footwall; in a thrust fault it rises up and over the footwall
29 Category: Plate Tectonics What would be the best unit of measurement to describe the speed of tectonic plates? Centimeters per year (cm/y)
30 Category: Weathering In what type of climate would you find the fastest chemical weathering? Warm and humid climates
31 Category: Earthquakes What type of seismic waves result in the most damage to infrastructure? Surface waves (Raleigh and Love waves)
32 Category: Earthquakes What scale is used to measure the damage created by an earthquake? Mercalli Intensity Scale
33 If given a very simple stream diagram and a word bank, could you label: Meander, cut bank, point bar, oxbow lake, delta