A Passive Approach to Sensor Network Localization Rahul Biswas and Sebastian Thrun International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2004 Presented by Ayan Banerjee
Localization Target Localization : Sensor nodes detect the location of the target. (assumes sensor nodes know their own location) Self Localization : Sensor nodes gains knowledge about their own location
Active and Passive Self Localization Active Self Localization : System sends signals (beacon signals) to localize sensor nodes Passive Localization : System uses already existing signals (environment noise) to determine location of sensor nodes
Active vs. Passive Active : – Advantages : Accurate Robust – Disadvantages : More Power requirement Increased Overhead Requires Infrastructure Sensor nodes Detectable Passive : – Advantages : Requires Less power Less overhead No infrastructure required Sensor nodes less detectable – Disadvantages : Less Accurate Lack of unique solution Solution depends on characterization of the signals
State of the art Localization by GPS systems : lack of desired accuracy Many beacon based localization schemes : Accurate but incurs high cost and has high power requirements Passive localization schemes : – Radio signal strength based localization – Optical retro-reflector equipped sensors
Contribution of the paper Provides a Novel Passive Localization scheme Implements the Localization scheme using Crossbow Mica 2 motes Defines Error metrics and evaluates the algorithm with respect to changes in Sensor noise, and scalability
Background Probability Theory Bayesian Networks
It is a Probabilistic Graphical Model.
Conditional Independence Two sets of nodes A and B are conditionally independent in a Bayesian Network given a third set of nodes C if all the paths between nodes in A and B are separated by a node in C.[1] [1]
Example of Conditional Independence
How does Conditional Independence help? Joint probability of all nodes: Storage space reduces from O(2 n ) to O(n2 k ) where k is the maximum number of parents of a node
Likelihood in Bayesian Networks Given an observed event A and a probability model find the events B,C,D…. that are most likely to produce the event A.
In Bayesian Networks Given an Event set R and its parent set P then This takes advantage of the fact that all R i s are conditionally independent
Why Bayesian Network? We can compute the answer to any question such as in linear time to the number of nodes Also we can derive the cause to any event which is a node in the Bayesian network We can store all joint probability information in O(n2 k ) space
Problem Statement N Sensor Nodes at Location (S 1, S 2, …… S n ) (unknown) M sound generating events at locations (E 1, E 2, …… E m ) (unknown) M time values of the sound generating events (T 1, T 2, …… T m ) (unknown) M.N number of variables of the form which signifies the time recorded by the n th sensor for the m th event. (known)
Problem is to find the location of the sensors from the measured matrix R
Sensing Model is considered to be normally distributed
Approach Formulate the problem as a Bayesian Network
Approach Measure the different times recorded by all the sensors for the different sound generating events in the surroundings Calculate : Calculate the likelihood of the data R given the model. S that maximizes the likelihood is the best prediction of the location.
Maximum Likelihood Estimation Given the measured data R the likelihood that the set S, E and T are its parents in the Bayesian Network is given by: Maximizing likelihood is the same as maximizing log likelihood as log likelihood is monotonic in likelihood. Thus it maximizes using gradient descent algorithm
Condition for unique solution The unknowns are – The vector S which is 2 dimensional so it poses 2M unknowns – The vector E which also is 2 dimensional and so it poses 2N unknowns – The vector T which is 1 dimensional and poses N unknowns Now in order to have a global reference the any one of the sensor say S 1 is considered as origin Another sensor S 2 is considered to lie on the x axis So S 1 has a coordinate (0,0) and S 2 has a coordinate (x,0). This eliminates 3 of the unknowns. The number of equations obtained is equal to the number of measured. If number of measured is P We must have
Analysis P can be at most M.N But sensors may not pick up each and every sound that occurs in the surroundings So P < M.N Even if there exists degenerate cases (Bayesian Network Unconnected)
Experimental Setup 7 Crossbow Mica 2 motes placed randomly 7 sound sources The Mica2 motes are time synchronized using the Reference Broadcast Protocol (RBS) – This is necessary in order to assume that the time recorded at one sensor node is directly comparable to time recorded at another Paper does not give any information regarding the environment
Results Error metrics : – Metric 1: Standard deviation of the expected distance between the sound sources and sensor nodes. – Metric 2: Actual Error, the error in the predicted location of the sensor as compared to the actual location of the sensors
Simulation Simulator emulates the observed characteristics of the sensor nodes There were 20 sensor nodes in simulation 20 sound sources Standard deviation in the recording error by the sensors were set to a value that corresponds to 10 cm
Variation of network parameters Changing Sensor noise
Variation of Network Parameters Changing the number of sensor nodes with sensor noise set to a value corresponding to an error of 10cm.
Variation of Network Parameter Effect of Changing the number of sound sources
Conclusion Localization of sensor nodes using uncontrolled environmental sound A probabilistic generative model for the problem Localization => Maximum Likelihood Estimation Algorithm works well when there a large fraction of sensor nodes here all the sound The scaled likelihood which is also the predicted error is not a good error metric Gradient Descent may get stuck at local minima
Critique Strong points: – Strong mathematical background – A novel endeavor Weak Points: – Experimental and Simulation environment not presented well – Implementation not well done – Too naïve optimization algorithm
Impact on Class Localization is an important problem in Mobile Computing This paper introduces the class to a novel passive localization scheme
Impact on Project Project : “Finding Interaction Through Sound” Finding interacting groups is similar to localization problem Classroom environment, it is likely that the algorithm works well But in order to use this algorithm we need to improve it.
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