Satoshi Nakayama
Population distribution in Russia Distribution of population sorted by regions Highest density Lowest density Physical and human factors for varying density
Where is Russia?
Map showing major cities
General information of Russia Area17,098,242 km 2 Population140,041,247 Density … people/km 2
Population distribution (1)
Population Distribution (2)
Observations Densely populated in the west (European Russia) Sparsely populated in the north and east (Siberia) Moderately populated in the south
Reasons Physical factors 1. Availability of water 2. Landscape (relief) 3. Climate 4. Natural resources Human factors 1. Job opportunities 2. Transportation
Physical factor (1) Water- rivers
Physical factor (2) Relief
Physical factor (3) Climate, e.g. average temperature and rainfall
Physical factor (4) Natural resources, including oil, wood, coal and fertile soil
Human factor (1) Transportation, such as major roads and railways, as well as some ports
Population distribution Uneven Densely populated in the west and south west Moderately populated along the border in the south Sparsely populated in the north and north east
Reasons Why is it densely populated in European Russia? Why is it sparsely populated in Siberia? Why is it moderately populated in the south of Siberia?
European Russia Densely populated because: More transportation More communication Warmer than Siberia Flat land that is close to sea level Sufficient rainfall
Siberia Sparsely populated because: Annual average temperature is very low Insufficient rainfall Long winters Transportation is not as developed More mountains South of Siberia is slightly warmer
Bibliography Pictures Night at a Russian City Russia in the world Russian flag Russian map showing major cities map.gif Population distribution map of Russia (2002) ps/SubjectRegionMaps/2PopulationDensity2002.jpg Population distribution map of Russia (showing some cities) Roads and railways map Climate of the world Russian railway Russia’s Relief Annual temperature of whole country russia.jpg Precipitation pitation3.JPG Information Information