Development of standard for state information systems and projects audit Proposals for the Work Plan 2014–2016 Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
INTOSAI standards Methodology “Performance audit” (Performance auditing manual. The Brazilian Court of Audit, SAUDI/SEGECEX, 1998) ISO 21500:2012, ISO , CObIT National standards: PMBOK, P2M, Prince2 Standard of project audit SAI Russia Foundation for the new standard development Standard for state information systems and projects audit GAO Schedule Assessment Guide Audit of projects experience of SAI India Guidelines on Key Performance Indicators Methodology for Auditing IT Programs Team leader – SAI China Subgroup EUROSAI on e-government, SAI Poland
Financial audit Performa nce audit Strategic audit Project audit of projects and programs 3 Pattern of project audit New methods of Project audit
1 2 Evaluation stages Evaluation spheres Adequacy of goal-setting Competitiveness of technologies Optimality of architecture Comprehensive evaluation 12 3 Evaluation phases Architecture of project activity evaluation
1. Assessment of project activities environment Stages of project activities assessment 2. Validity of project activities assessment 3 Assessment of legality of budgetary funds expenditure 4. Assessment of sanctions, operations, and transactions 5. Expedience of budgetary funds expenditure evaluation 6. Evaluation of effectiveness, efficiency and economy 7. Connectivity of project activities assessment 8. Extravagance rate assessment 9. Assessment of project activity feasibility and risks 10. Assessment of potentials of IT-systems development 11. Assessment of consequences of project activities realization 5
Standard for state information systems and projects audit BOOK 1 General information about purposes, tasks, spheres of application, sources of information, methods, means and results, achieved on each stage of state information systems and projects audit General requirements, characteristics, rules and procedures of expert and analytical activity BOOK 2 Methodical recommendations BOOK 2 Methodical recommendations BOOK 3 State information systems and projects audit practices BOOK 3 State information systems and projects audit practices BOOK 4 Software using scenarios BOOK 4 Software using scenarios BOOK 5 Glossary BOOK 5 Glossary