Hermes is getting to know the children in Green class.
Hermes is learning numbers in English with the children.
Hermes is playing with the children in the role play area.
Hermes is enjoying a story read by a boy in Brown class.
Hermes is really enjoying his gymnastics lesson with the children.
Hermes went on an imaginary safari with the children. Hermes and the girls played with dinosaurs.
Hermes is having a lovely time playing with some children in Red class. Hermes is excited to see what Ann is drawing.
Hermes is helping children to make dinosaurs using recyclable materials.
Hermes is playing with the children in Silver class.
Hermes is making music with a boy from Silver class. Hermes is really good at playing a tambourine!
Hermes is helping Andra to draw a picture of Three Little Pigs.
Hermes celebrated Shrove Tuesday by making pancakes with the children.
Hermes had a chance to toss the pancake, too. That was exciting!
“Yummy!” said Hermes when he tasted a pancake with some sugar and lemonade.
Hermes went on a trip with Indigo class. Hermes and the children found many sings of spring. We all had a lovely time on our trip!
Hermes enjoyed his trip to the forest. The children took really good care of him.
Hermes helped the children with the drawings.