Study Committee A3 HIGH VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT Working Group Activity ReportWG A3.27 AR 2014Page No.: 1 Activity Report 2013 WG A3.27 The Impact of the Application of Vacuum Switchgear at Transmission Voltages Convener: R. Smeets (Netherlands)Year of Kick-off: 2009 Secretary: L. Falkingham (UK) Number of Members: 31 Regular Members: 26 Corresponding Members:5 Retiring Members: New Members: WG title and general information A3-14 (AG 01 ) 015 IWD
Study Committee A3 HIGH VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT Working Group Activity ReportWG A3.27 AR 2014Page No.: 2 Technical activities & discussion items Progress of work, documents to be discussed during the SC A3 meeting and future program Recent meetings: April 2012: Tokyo, Japan (6 th ) November 2012: Berlin, Germany (7 th ) May 2013: Galveston, USA (8 th and last) Draft TB submitted to SC. Tutorial given CIGRE Colloquium, Vienna, Sept (1.5 h) Tutorial given ISDEIV (vacuum switching conf.), Russia, Sept (2 h) Tutorial given IEEE Switchgear Committee, USA May 2013 (3 h) Tutorial given CIGRE Colloquium Auckland, Sept (1 h) Tutorial given ICEPE (switchgear) Conference, Matsue, Japan Oct (2 h) Poster at CIGRE 2012 Conference Electra paper 2014
Study Committee A3 HIGH VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT Working Group Activity ReportWG A3.27 AR 2014Page No.: 3 Publications Publication on behalf of the WG (Title, way of publication, stage of preparation, approximate date of final version Draft TB submitted to SC. Chapters: 1. Executive summary 2. Introduction 3. Differences between SF6 – vacuum: device implications 4. Differences between SF6 – vacuum: system implications 5. Existing experience 6. Expectations, hesitations of applications of HV VCB in the future 7. Products on the market and in development 8. Standardization and testing 9. Summary and conclusions Draft ready for circulation within the SC: Q Aim for final version for approval: Q Electra paper Q2 2014
Study Committee A3 HIGH VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT Working Group Activity ReportWG A3.27 AR 2014Page No.: 4 Membership with approval of the last SC meeting