Team TFY (Think For You)
Problems we want to solve What we showed last time Our new solutions now Our feature list Issues identified so far Our approach & iteration steps To do list Team TFY (Think For You)
Too many optionsToo many configuration settings
A modular and extensible framework that: Allows for predefined or user altered priorities to presented options Allow Hope to show the user more options while letting the user navigate firstly through the items that matter most Structure that can support future implementations of options such as hiding certain features, categories, things, and verbs Template for later enhancements to follow and utilize Team TFY (Think For You)
Smart Filter Team TFY (Think For You)
Filter: Filtering icons in a category by usage (frequency) statistics Showing/hiding filtering Context: Location : Tomthumb Home Time : Time of the day Time of the month Time of the year Team TFY (Think For You)
But where will the metadata about coordinates come from?
The system shall take in consideration different user preferences when deciding which options to show or hide. How are these preferences taken into account by the system? O1: by gathering usage statistics, the system can decide on what options are more important to the user O2: pre-configured user preferences can be used to help in deciding when to show or hide options Solution: O1, O2 Rationale: usage statistics is a more accurate and dynamic way of determining user preferences, and hence, the least frequently used system’s options should be hiden. However, some user preferences or behavioral patterns may be easier to depict from configuration properties. Team TFY (Think For You)
If there are more than one context rules, how can we combine them together Interrelationship between filtering and context Team TFY (Think For You)
Concrete examples General API
Improve our requirement specification Prioritize features For each feature: ◦ Design good architecture ◦ Implement See if a generalized architecture and/or API can derive from earlier steps Team TFY (Think For You)
Thank You Team TFY (Think For You)